
With hitler's order was sent to the atlantic u-boat fleet that had to hunt for british and american convoys of supplies to england.

Clan Uzuri's Jungle Holiday

Knowing he would have to be the voice of reason, riyo also ducked down and followed his sister closer to the convoy. as the two cubs stalked their prey, they saw the convoy draw to a halt.

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The Force Chapter three

A convoy of five vehicles came up the road to the compound and stopped some 200 yards out. the major could tell that something was not right. he ordered the blackhawks to surround the vehicles and let no one escape.

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Shadow's hunt, part four

A long convoy of wagons crawled along through the wilderness below the solitary peak that rose from the plain like the blade of a dagger.

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MoonDust, Chapter 30

Eventually, the crackles and flashes from the shelling stopped, and she peeked out to see their convoy still mostly intact, scattered across the valley's floor. "everybody up," lauren said.

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MoonDust, Chapter 11

Just wanted to let you know the convoy we're escorting is moving out. we're headed for australia, but don't worry, the escort fleet is huge.

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 14 Into The Wild Blue Yonder

Jake had explained to them that their intelligence networks, had succeeded in finding the planned route of a convoy.

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Episode 9B: Games

"have they noticed the convoy?" "i'm detecting that they have kept a constant beam focused on them," o'mara reported.

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Finding Humanity Chapter 1

A mercenary for hire, esrie argento manages to earn a living helping guard private convoys, bounty hunting, starship racing, and even assisting planetary milita's that need an extra ship or two. which is what she's doing today.

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Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 5

"he attacked our convoy on our way back here, he wanted me to give you a message," the soldier breathed. "then he said i was too weak, and said he would give it to you in person..."


"Man In The High Castle" Is Wrong and Unfounded

In june of 1941, president roosevelt declared the western atlantic the [pan-american security zone](, whereby us ships would escort convoys of war supplies to britain, and would actively engage

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