Laying her head back to the pillow, the teenage dog stretched in her bed, smiling as she looked up at the little constellation of glow-in-the-dark star stickers her parents had stuck to her ceiling more than a decade ago.
Flying Free - Prologue
I take in the sights of some of the constellations from the now brightly lit stars. after a few moments, i turn back to the cooking squirrel as i smell it's aroma in the air. i turn it over and stand up before heading into the woods.
Loss of an Anchor in the Desert
"no, no, here, look this way, see the bright star there, now over past the constellation puppis, see pyxidis? now if you turn your head to the side see the palm tree? "no."
All over the flower field
To think that primeape's name was paws, thanks to that big paws he had- paws: \*punching a rock\* lucario: ....( as long as that rock is not alive nothing is happening i think)..... ( great from here i have a pretty well view of the orion constellation
Starlight Pack Chapter 3: Seeds Of Differences Part 1
"the brightest star, it's constellation's a dog." "why does zak think he's a starlght?" meg answered with tears in her eyes.
Twilight's Crusade
She would tell everypony all about how she was tracking the known constellations on her free time. about how as soon as she spotted the last one, the cutie mark was sitting on her rear. they would believe it.
A Place to Rest on the Ocean
Landing at tórshavn vágar airport in the faroe islands, i've gotten used to the looks at my aircraft from ground personnel, and passengers, as my aircraft was the only starliner, let alone the only aircraft of the constellation family, and the only
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Twenty-Four
It was night on this side of the planet, and when nishant gazed up at the stars, the constellations were completely foreign to him still.
Finding Ones Place, pt 4
Having named nearly all the constelations i know wich is in fact quite a few i slow rise to my feet. i gaze around at the peaceful area with trees grouped to clustered here and there around the terrain surrounding the lake.
Serval and Sheep (Chapter 37)
Before desmond can even think of rescinding his request, the pigeon's eyes have already formed constellations of excitement. "oh my gosh, ask me anything! oh, this is so exciting!" yeah, this wasn't the best idea. but, it is brian, after all.
Ragnarok - XII
Below, a sea of torchlit faces swam, like too-close constellations neath their feet, upturned toward them.
Always somewhere else to go, some new stars and constellations to see. a fresh face winking at me across a new bar. it's the little thrills, man." "oh, ren, ren, ren.