Supervillain origins: Xoephis
Xoephis is a narcissist megalomaniac who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals and his conquest of the universe and the destruction of his cousins and star fox.
The King's Contest
Think of the one who sent you here, whose conquests purchased this rich food and sweet wine. he is the king and he is the most powerful one in the world.
Homework Cuddles
Sure enough, sydney's ended up being the most interesting, focusing on the ball game, conquests and mythology, all wrapped up into as metal as a school assignment could be.
Autobiography of an Apocryphan Lord
It was a beautiful day when the wuthvoy, the eladarin, the ancestor of the elvish races, began their conquest across the planes using sorcery to wage war on the universe and create an empire.
Introduction to Invasion
Her words carried into the microphones built into the throne room and her commands were transmitted to the prison ships containing the rest of the mimosen people recovered from the empire's latest conquest. several screams echoed across the throne room.
Gumiho: Our Life Has Just Begun (3)
This was clearly some youngster, perhaps the result of one of father's recent conquests--but was she this stupid, changing into a naked human in the middle of the woods, where there might be hunters about?
They call it the present
"oh yes, i was know all over this world, for my voice, my looks, my...conquests as they were." it smiled ruefully showing blackened and rotting teeth. i felt my stomach turn and wondered how far my stop was.
profile for Angel
She recieved the first tome from her brother, he obtained it as the spoils of war from his joint conquest of tuscor the nation of pacaderms with luminara the nation of wolves, this is when he met prince scar heir to the luminarun throne, he brought him back
Mr. Snack
His mind to take, shock thankfully taking him someplace were such intense pain was no longer felt as he submitted his body and mind to the dragons gut, forever claimed only to be spit back up later as a trophy to add to the pile of evidence of the dragons conquests
Forging Thoth's Daughter: Notes
Both societies of course were already far less stratified than that of the indian caste system which was the indo-aryan attempt to keep their indian holdings after their conquest of the gangetic plain or even early china were the emperor was not a mere avatar
Creating a character
While the rest of the world builds wealth on conquest and thievery the nmarians are merchants and traders. their cities devote huge space to markets and inns; they know brokering inside and out.
Tales From Switch City: Jimmy's Tale
The creator of armies of evil half-human, half-animal hybrids, he constantly uses them in his quest for world conquest. unfortunately, there were two things that often thwarted his schemes.