Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 36

She climbed down to the nineteenth knot and repeated the process, her hope failing even faster than the muscles in her arms. if she were to fall, what would happen to andrew?

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can't make it this week (sorry) - Thursday Prompt Story [#11, 16/3/23]

"go to your right, you should climb up a single step, and then stop when i tell you to. there's an open window you can go through."

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Ice Caves

"i want to go climbing today!" said devi a few days after the last of the snow had melted. "climbing? why not just hiking? there still is a bit of ice here and there to go climb all over everything." replied sasha.

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"i wish to climb the tower." the lizard scratched his chin. "climb the tower...climb the know, many here also wanted to climb the tower, but they preferred to stay. i'll offer you the same things i offered them."

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Tamer of the Mountain

climb was what the legs pleaded the rest of his body to do. climb for something is calling. and so he would climb, without flinching as the fiery ash fell. continuing through the gray and red storm crossing the burning seas as they flooded.

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Karmic Ties- Chapter 1

As she climbed into the car. "and don't burn down the house." mr. creston said as he too got in. "i won't. everything will be fine." "we'll be back in two weeks," dad said as he climbed in, "love you, we'll call when we land."

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How I got To San Andreas (well almost there)

Chakat oneshot: \*climbs in the tuar cradle on the driver side of hir truck as branden climbs in the passenger side\* so shopping then we hit the restaurant. dnide4evr: \*smiles and nods\* yup that's the plan hun.

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Micro May: Daily Life

Still climbing down the rope with one hand proved difficult. upon getting down he threw the turkey slice onto the skateboard and climbed into the r/c truck's bed again. "okay lunch and breakfast are done!" calex said.

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The Fair Game

He'd have to figure out a plan as he climbed. aurum leaped up onto the leaf pile and began to climb again. once nice thing about being so small climbing was easy, even with kid muscles instead of adult.

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An ass-whoop'in to remember CH2.

"ding,ding,ding," the match had started austin hit the rock with another right hand,bounced off the ropes hit him with a boot then, an elbow drop the rock climbed o outside the ring.

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Out of the ring fetching a ladder cactus nails funk making him drop the ladder cactus grabs the ladder opening. it up and climbing it once on top cactus jumps landing on funk cactus covers ref: 1. 2.

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Oak in Grey Hollow - 3

Then, amazingly, anabelle lay down, allowing mira to climb on her back easily.

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