Midline Shift 17 - Ruins of Ancient Stars

campbell? or was it a barfight?" "more like my archenemy," replied the raptor. "i'll be fine."

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The Promise 2 - To Herself

Kirie paused for a moment, closing her eyes and clenching her hands as she scanned through the memories she had seen before, through the mind and dreams of james campbell where she had walked once before.

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Extinction 3 - We Stand Together

**_"too long have i tolerated the mistakes of hau'rhun, that wretched predecessor whom lead james campbell to many a world and with it a long series of repercussions that all too easily could have been avoided if not for his ignominious

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The Rising Fallen Star 4 - Kolorado

"do you forget that we met before, when mister campbell came to our castle after my lord and master rescued you? besides, i know the name of every koopa in this kingdom by their shell markings alone.
