I Dreamed of Fire 7 - Tomorrow Is Another Day
The ashen beast tried to whipstrike him again with its tail but this time james was ready, ducking low with spreading legs and a cutting thrust straight towards its underbelly.
A Walk Away - Part 1
His attention was now in another world of his own mind, the now ashen covered sidewalk he was strolling on has became a bit more icy. he suddenly felt his right shoe slip from underneath him.
Tina's Story Chapter 64 -Reach Out in the Darkness
By now, felicia was an ashen gray color. the doctor explained aftercare, and what to expect, but he wasn't at all sure that the siamese was comprehending. wisely, the doctor repeated the instructions for tina's benefit.
Love Lost
A wolf pup whose golden eyes sparkled with curiosity, ashen gray fur blown by the soft coastal winds. he simply lay there as the feral thing walked up to him, sniffing at him with that constantly wriggling nose.
Forgotten Friendship part 3
Countless dragons streamed in, their bodies tense, ready for a fight, but when they beheld the lifeless ashen gray body of furest, cries rang out in the den endlessly.
Off Leash Chapter 7
Her dark skin went ashen as her eyes blinked once before going wide with terror. she thought fast, though, throwing her hands in the air and waving them around. i watched her do this dance for a moment.
Undead Ally: Part One
He ran his fingers through the close cropped ashen fur of his head in an attempt to comb it. dante went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of milk and a bowl of cereal for breakfast.
The Tide of Darkness
Long sharp fangs begin to appear as his skin turns the cold ashen gray of the grave, and his hair turns coal black as though seeped in pure evil. lifting his head, his eyes glow a deep crimson red, and the council members scream, "flee!
"oh but it is" said another voice as they turn to see a woman with ashen-black hair and bright amber eyes, while her fingernails are painted dark red, she wears lipstick and violet eye shadow, she wears a dark-red, off-the-shoulders, v-neck
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 15
They were given a choice to either stay up on the surface or return to ashen lands. some chose the latter, while other chose the former. they had some unfinished work that they would like to continue.
Background story for unused character Halyna - Rough draft
Alcmene was becoming very weak, her skin turned from porcelain white to ashen grey, her black hair lost its sheen and her eyes became vacant of the energy she once had.
Suncrest - Chapter 9
A dash of alcohol and one fire spell later, they were tossing ashen remains in a dumpster. tea nodded proudly. as thorough as they'd been, giu held out hope someone would find their traces. if only to satisfy his curiosity.