Eevee's Troubles Ch 2

Woohoo! Look at that, a second chapter for someone other than Aela! This isn't too long at only 1200 ish words, but hey, it's another chapter. Sorry it took so damn long to...

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A Shifters Tale part 16

Sorry for the wait on this one guys I've had a lot to do recently AND I had a critical system failure that wiped out my other stories, anyway if you don't know the spiel I suggest you go back to almost all of my previous chapters and look at the very...

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Slate wipe

Hey guys, Ive decided to re-wind the story and start with the origin of the main charicter, thanks for the feedback and please continue to read, I should have the new first chapter once I get hooked up in Iowa, say, the 26th at best.


Innovation - 2 + 3, Weapon + Indefinite Motor

"So, I've been working on the design for a certain weapon." Greg had sprawled a massive paper over the counter, depicting a glove with a strange metal thing in the palm. "Why am I not surprised?" [Me] "Well it's more for self-defense. Using this...


HoA Ch. 14: Out of the Shade...

Morning light poured through the pane glass windows of the tavern's second floor, the illuminating rays glaring onto the side of Kaille's furry face. Warmth from the direct sun slowly stirred the softly snoring Sen from his stupor. Groaning loudly with...

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Levi's Disappearance

Rose replaced the bookmark in her novel and set it carefully on the thick branch to her right. If the wind blew just right it would fall to the ground 30 feet below her. After the events of tonight's pack meeting, she was having a difficult time...

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Chapter 1

No one ever wants to clean up the mess that they made. It's always someone else that is stuck cleaning it up and it's usually a shitty job. Sadly that person is me most days. It's not all bad it has good pay and very good benefits. It also has free...


Chapter 20 preview

Ace ground in pain looking up, alarms blared in his ears as rescue crews worked to save people from the debris from fallen building. Luna stood over him with toothy smirk. Ace growls and tried to get up but he was trapped under rubble completely at the...


The hack: Chapter 7 (Kit)

"When is school gonna eeennnnnndddddddd" I groaned to my friend Kate who nearly fell asleep due to how boring algebra was. We weren't bad at the subject in fact we were best in the class but we were so far ahead that the teacher was just...

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The hack: Chapter 10 (Kit)

"Another day another person to hack" I said as I made my way to school and pulled out my phone to get ready the DOX attack I have planned and went onto my TOR browser and signed into Vimeo to upload the video we have recorded which had...

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Azure - Prologue

Within a forest was a hidden village. A smeargle named Lapis, the current leader, was doing what he did best, having his ladies fawn over him. Lapis had a delcatty under his right arm and under his left, a weavile was feeding him fruit from a bowl. He...

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The Mourning After - Chapter 12 (Moving On)

**\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** **CHAPTER 12** **\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** **Callidus** "Will that be all my Lord?" The serving girl asked. Kirva... that's her name. The same female I had caught my son in the library with. Ever since that incident...

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