The Lost Colony, Part 3

Triss holstered her rifle to show she meant no harm, to which the hunters lowered their spears and bows. the three finally could see what it was like in the village.

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His Destiny (part 2)

At those words the hunter i had in front of me charged me with a shadow punch wich i didnt even dodged because it gone right trough me with no harm done, then i tried a takle... and this time it was my turn to go flying trough him and end up with my face on

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Draconian Peril Ch.2

Kain ran as fast as he could, back to the village where he believed himself to be safe, even though he already knew that ryuu meant him no harm.

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Chapter 4:Mt. Pyre

I then spend the nest hour using expert monologue to demonstrate to the crowd that we mean no harm, and it worked, thankfully. the specters agreed to let us stay, on a few conditions: all of our work is to be done on mt.

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The Dying Game

A fool but a kind fool - there was no harm in the lad. her steps quickened and she tugged the sleeve of her sweatshirt down over her paw as far as possible, further warming from the winter nip. no, michael had done no wrong.

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"i-i saw no harm in it, i suppose." fiela could just about smell his adrenaline already--he was a fearful one indeed. no confidence. probably no plan other than vague guidelines, if she had to guess. but that didn't matter.

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Srenna- part 2

He told me many things like he is a kitsune or better explained as demon fox, i tensed when i heard that but relaxed when i knew he meant me no harm. kitsunes are nine-tailed demon foxes, i pointed out that he only had seven.

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Lady Valana's Plan

If the leader wanted to think that sajani was benayle's daughter, there was no harm in it. besides, the line of communication was tenuous, and taleetha thought it best to stick to the topic at hand. "i'll let him know..."

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The wooded home

"of course, i would love to dine with you" ever since he was young taz had the infallible instinct to pick the trustworthy from the wicked, and he could tell that the man in front of him meant no harm.

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Crazy Paranormal Chapter 4

The wolf stood up but went down back on his stomach, like he was trying to tell me that it meant no harm. i realized that i would've been dead from the coldness of the cave but he kept me warm. i walk up to it and hugs it's neck. "thank you."

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Brit n’ Blue – Chapter 2: Tales to Tell

"well brit, i assure you that i mean you no harm or bad feelings, as a matter of fact i'd love to have you on as company on my journey to find a mine of sorts.

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Chapter 1: Origins of an Unusual Srothar

A good deal of people uttering out 'biscuit' probably meant no harm in it; some even complimented his name for sounding 'adorable' (not that he was sure he -liked- being called 'adorable', but a compliment's a compliment?).

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