wander ~ Chapter 3
At hearing this, the cheetah's ears and whiskers visibly perked up, and his amber eyes brightened. his tail stirred behind him. "of course! um - do you -?"
It could not be denied that her amber eyes were still bright and clear while her coat shone with the aurora of good health. the blue dress suited her, bringing out the hue of her fur like no other garment ever could.
Dark Night Storm
Padding through the fallen leaves of yester-year, a large amber-eyed wolf enjoys the beautiful night. she ignores the owl's "hark," and explores lost tracks. she comes across a clearing where waits an intruder.
#1 of character bios seeker species: werewolf age: 3000+ (immortal) orientation: gay home: born in atlantis but was made homeless after its destruction height: 9 feet color: golden brown fur with amber eyes powers: water guardian of atlantis which
Daily Tale 07/25&26/14: Game Day
Hato opened his amber eyes and was greeted with a site he wasn't used to yet; the white ceiling of mika's apartment. mika was the nice cat who had brought him into her apartment only a few days earlier.
The End
Jasper stood there, amber eyes fixed on his brother, ryuk.
A Queer Life
Red fur, black socks, amber eyes, a lithe body, long tail, standing about 5'2". i used to be typical for mentality and emotions, but the past few years had made life hard for me. even my parents treated me worse since i came out.
Lost Within Thoughts...
My boyfriend i have now is 5'11/6 foot even just like me, and is a pure white wolf with amber eyes. he is most definately a sexy one....i know i said that my one friend was a hunk, but i mean, hey, he isnt my boyfriend, my boyfriend i have now, still is.
Merciless Ch. 4
"hello salt" she said to a slim black cat with brown and amber eyes. "need a lift" he said casually. "you look like youv'e been through alot" he said smiling.
An afternoon in the cells
The wolf slowly looked up and his amber eyes met the lions sea blue eyes. he took a deep breath before speaking. "i was in a fight, it ended badly..." the wolf replied sounding sad and afraid. "ended badly...what do you mean?"
A Bronze Rising: Clandestine Policy
The heavyset man looked up at me, meeting my large amber eyes while he gripped the table.
next life capter 1
The amber eyed fox followed me with a worried look on here beautiful face we stepped in to a hallway with old news paper photos and articles i stated looking at them and they were in a halo 3d print so i read one by one and i found one.