Chapter 8

"ARE YOU SERIOUS? How have we not heard about this Lord Alcyrion before? Your Pure Elementalist teacher should have been all over this guy!" James, Algon, and Lydia were seated outside of the Atherling classroom in the Darkessia, waiting for Delta to...

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Chapter 4

James spent the days leading up to the rooming assignments on the grounds around X-Solae, which he learned were the main meeting rooms and dorms for the new students at the Quintessium. From what he could tell, all of the buildings used magic to make...

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Chapter 6

After his first full day of classes, James returned to the Moonglade, where he met up with Delta, Lydia, and Algon. They all teleported to Cerellus Park, where they sat in a circle in one of the gazebos. "Man, I am so excited to learn Aetherling...

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Chapter 2

Except not quite. See, there is a point to this story and as the reader shall note, it gets pretty interesting pretty quickly. James ran through the woods, jumping over tree branches and dodging rocks sticking out from underneath the snow. It was like...

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Chapter 1

Stories need to have a main character in order to be interesting and it just so happens that there was a boy who was perfect for the role. Let's call him James. James Newman. James wasn't particularly special. He lived a normal life on a small planet...

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Monster Mankind Chapter 2

Getting used to his new house was something that took quite a while to get used to. After being dispatched from the hospital, he immediately returned to his household. was more or less of being teleported to his house. Lauriel had come back...

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Chuck Norris in Equestria

**Chuck Norris in Equestria** By st-seven Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way...

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Watch Dogs 4- Be A Man In The Watch

Welcome my son, welcome to the machine where have you been? It's alright we know where you've been you've been in the pipeline, filling in time ? shadows fall lyrics And for the second time this day I awoke nit knowing what the hell was...

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Easter in Devout America

Easter is considered a sacred time in Devout America. Celebrated as a festival dedicating the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, this holiday is considered one of the least changed since 1997. This does not mean attempts have been made, similar...

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Spring Break in Devout America

Spring break is considered a sacred time for kids and teenagers throughout the Devout States of America. One to two weeks of sabbatical for those in school, allowing cubs and teenaged furs the opportunity to spend time with their families, especially...

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Memorial Day in Devout America

Memorial Day, or more colloquially known as Memorial Weekend, is a federal holiday dating back to the Old American era, as a day for mourning the country's military personnel who have died while serving in the armed forces. It is typically observed on...

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Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 15

Rachel's mind came back to the present. Her eyes glowed again as her magic took her over, repairing some of the damage done to her gums by poor hygiene. ''Prince Venomspite has your payment in hand. Get the box from him. It was hers. It has one...

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