Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 5

The stairways were not cut into the living trunks of the trees nor were they nailed there.

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Academia Martialis I

He didn't know who was who, but they were a male and female pair. average height, both. they were both very tense, but not showing any fear. they were at the ready with serious expressions.

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EyeWatch: Five Adeed

Tightly screwing my mouth, i turned away from the door and glanced to the sidewalks below where doax and lutica were gathered. they were calmed and cool; their voices were barely above a whisper.

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Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 4 FInal

But the captains and sailors were far from contradicting the tale they were told.

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Rise of the Gods - Chapter 3

What the other gods were themselves thinking was a complete mystery to evrame, he just knew they were there.

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Rune's pack

In fact, there were two, but they were not as lovely as the moon she was accustomed to. both were irregular shaped, like rough ovals, and they passed through the alien sky at different periods, one after the other.

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Part 3: Memories

Although the sheida were physically faster, stronger and their senses were better, they were overpowered by the mere amount of humans invading their island and thus were vastly outnumbered.

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Specters of the Past - Chapter 1

Then there were the areas that were set up which normals were not allowed to enter unless they were being carried by a macro. society was still getting used to the idea of having some citizens that were so much larger than the others.

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The legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon

The other dragons cried for there fallen god, they now were missing their creator and then it happened they were destroyed for good by one boy and his card the five cards that there were told of only lived if you bealived it live and with that card they were

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D.E1 Chapter 52: The Third Offense Part II

Most of them were wearing engineering suits and held tools that were used in industrial areas of canis major. they were not warriors. what they were thinking? were they going to fight? "please, evos!" a male voice said firmly.

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"anyways, we went to the mesa orphanage, and you were there. you were around four years old, give or take-" "'give or take'. how thoughtful, dad." "well, we still don't know how old you were when we met you.

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