History of The Game

The morph posing as prey would then need to travel around all the bases, finally becoming safe again after touching home plate. as they touched each base, one predator could come off of the mound, relying on the restraint of a sentient species.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 57

Even sparx felt the hostile and arrogant touch of this place, the biting cold was touching even the air, each beat of his wings felt as if they were scratching against the sharp tips of formidable icicles.

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Polar Fair

Our hands touch, ever so gently, making me blush harder from the single touch. the finale draws my attention back to the fireworks.

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Polar Fair

Our hands touch, ever so gently, making me blush harder from the single touch. the finale draws my attention back to the fireworks.

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The Soaring Gryphon

"the arrows aren't touching him. he's... he's huge, but they can't touch him. he's dodging every one. nothing's even coming near."

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Chapter 11: With An Apple

Kilyan wanted nothing more than to hide the past, but in attempting to do so, he was making it more obvious: jerking his paw away from nontikmah's touch, averting his gaze, squirming when her tail touched him, as if he was all too familiar with her touch and

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She squirmed as her body responded to his touch. between kitsunes, a touch on the ear caused a wild pleasure to run through the receiver's body. yet, to song and aiedail, it simply marked the depth of their relationship.

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To touch the sun is more than life can give.

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Residual Spirit

They are talking gibberish at me and spraying what looks like glowing gas on me, its at this point i find i cannot touch anything, nor can they touch me, except for the cattle prod devices and a few other things that are to alien to define.

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Wish You Were Here

I'd slowly let go with my arms unwrapping from your body, my hands gently caressing over your fur, exploring that soft touch, the soft touch that could not be compared to anything else.

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Experiment #1231: Appetite Supplement

More touches. you start salivating, belly gurgling hungrily. touch touch. you start grabbing things, stuffing them into your mouth. inhaling food and drink, all to satisfy that impossible hunger. touch touch.

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An Unexpected Friend

She touched the dragons muzzle and if groaned. it opened its eyes and stared down at lynx. "please... please don't hurt me..." it was male. he spoke with very little energy.
