An Unexpected Friend

Story by FacelessBuster on SoFurry

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#1 of Short stories

A young traveler finds a Dragon in a temple said to have a great treasure.

(Short little story.)

A large door stood before our feline traveler. She pulled the hood off her head and she looked at the carvings. They detailed a Human with a sword in hand and battling a mighty beast. It was clearly much bigger than he was and looked incredible angry. The carvings showed the creature with a mouth full of fire and large wings and horns on its head, making it look like a dragon. It's tail ended in a spike and it had a series of spikes going down its spine. The beast clearly sought to kill the warrior and the warrior was fighting back.

"The temple of Pyrrhus houses the greatest treasure known to the world... I'm coming for you," she said as she touched the temple door.

"Beware for the dangers of this temple are more fearsome than you may anticipate." The voice spoke from seemingly nowhere, loud and booming and clearly a scare tactic.

"I care not for whatever hides in this temple. Nothing will keep me from finding the treasure that lies at the end," said Lynx as she balled her right hand into a fist and a blue energy began to escape it. She opened her hand and threw it forward, a strong force blasting forward and pushing the giant door open. The Suns light could only shine so far into the temple and illuminated some of the way. Lynx grabbed a torch from the wall and lit it, giving off a blue flame rather than the normal red and orange. She walked in and the door slowly closed behind her, the beautiful and natural sunlight fading away until none was shining and the door locked itself. In the darkness, the only things glowing were the blue flame and Lynx's glowing blue eyes.

She walked deeper and deeper into the temple, her paws feeling the temple floors get colder and colder as they were further and further from the light outside. Soon she felt the dust of the ground and saw the cobwebs on the wall and spiders larger than her hand. It took all her willpower not to scream. She HATED spiders. Everything about them. But she pushed on and as she did so she noticed the trippy visuals of the hallway, with her looking back and noticing the door was now on its side. She was on the side of the hallway. Literally walking on the side. And the further she walked in, the more trippy the hallway got with her eventually walking on the roof being completely upside down. A strong gust of wind blast through from further in the tunnel and she ran as fast as she could towards it. Running blindly deeply into the temple she stopped and stared at a room filled with chains tied and tossed around the entire atmosphere. Chains everywhere around the room and they were awfully big. Very big chains. The room was illuminated by some foreign light but it was unclear where. Whatever it was, it was omnipresent. The whole room was Bright but dark as well. There were torn banners and broken pieces of armor everywhere, almost as if a battle had taken place here. At the other side was a thrown with a skeleton sitting on it, wearing some elaborate armor and a key around its neck. Lynx extinguished the blue flame of the torch and packaged it away in her bag. Her robes blew in the slight breeze and she walked up to the skeleton.

"Must have been here for years..." She said as she examined him. It was a human skeleton and had a sword on its back. Likely the warrior seen on the carvings of the door. Lynx grabbed the key from around his neck and pulled it off.

"You won't be needing this." Just then the rooms chains violently shook and rattled and a loud roar was heard from deeper in the temple. Lynx looked forward and saw dead roots and vines cover the door at the end of the large room, two pits of fire completely dead for what seemed like years. Lynx walked forward to the center of the room and looked up to see shattered mirrors and the full moon high in the sky.

"That's... It was sundown only a few minutes before. No way its already this late," she said to herself as her tail curled around her left leg. She walked up to the door at the end of the room and touched it. There were chains around it as well and these were small though tough, wrapped around the door itself and one master lock in the center of the door. It looked like a Dragons head combined with a wolfs and it was snarling, as if the very lock was going to attack you.

"Mighty fancy work here just for a door." She used the key she took from the Skeleton and unlocked the lock. The chains around the door loosened and fell to pieces on the ground. The door slowly began to open and inside it revealed... A Dragon! It was chained up and held down by various gears and chains and as it moved, the chains in the arena moved as well. She ran up to the creature and noticed the scratches and markings on its scales, clearly it was in some kind of battle. She touched the Dragons muzzle and if groaned. It opened its eyes and stared down at Lynx.

"Please... Please don't hurt Me..." It was male. He spoke with very little energy. He was chained up completely with gear pieces clamped down onto his neck, back and tail. The chains wrapped around everywhere else and he was barely allowed to talk as they clamped his muzzle shut.

"I am not here the hurt you. I heard of a treasure hidden in this temple... Do you know of it?" The Dragon blinked and even that seemed to be painful for him.

"Long gone I am afraid... I'm sorry I cannot help you..." He sounded very sad and moved again, groaning in absolute agony as the chains tightened around him.

"Well then... Perhaps I can help you."

"You can?" He smiled very faintly but his voice was joyous nonetheless. Lynx touched the crystal attached to the tip of the Dragons muzzle and an energy flowed throughout him. All of his cuts and bruises began to heal themselves and when he was healed, he had more strength to pull at the chains. But it wasn't enough. Lynx touched the chains and sent a shock through them, zapping them all off the Dragon. The Dragon stood tall and spread his wings, letting out a mighty roar and let out a stream of fire as well, making sure not to burn Lynx. When done celebrating, he leaned down and licked Lynx, wetting her fur.

"Ech! Alright alright! I get it! Ya like me now!" She said shaking herself dry. The Dragon smiled and leaned down.

"What is your name, little Angel?" He asked joyously.

"Lynx. What is yours?"

"Pyrrhus." Lynx froze. Was he...

"Wait... Did you say Pyrrhus?"


"That's your name?"

"It is indeed."

"Are you sure?"

"I think I know my own name Ms.Lynx. I may have been here a while but not long enough to forget."

"Then... This is your temple! You know where the treasure is don't you?!" He frowned.

"Taken from me... A long time ago. Surely you noticed the carvings on the door into the temple and the man in the throne in from of the door to this room. He was a warrior who sought to take my treasure from me. It would be quite a bit of money to the little fleshlings and he brought many men and women to face me. I couldn't fight them all at once. They defeated me and enchained me in this room. The Leader made this a cage for me and stole all of my gold and treasure... I have nothing left," he said hanging his head low. Lynx touched Pyrrhus' leg.

"I'm sorry. I wish I was there to help."

"Worry not. I have a new friend here," he said smiling.

"You are in search of treasure eh? Perhaps now is my turn to help you. I know a place that is known to have even more treasure than I could hope to get and any fleshling could hope to see. It is called the Golden Isles. And it is actually quite beautiful," he said walking out of the door. Lynx grabbed onto his tail and climbed up to his head, grappling the horns like the handlebars of a bike.

"Are you sure this place is still around. It's been an awfully long time," she said petting his head. Pyrrhus stopped for a minute and looked to the sky, seeing the moon still in the sky.

"I've never known a person who can make it to those islands without the aid of a Dragon. And my brothers and sisters don't trust people. Only I do. Now hold on tight!" He said as he spread his wings. Wait... There were other dragons?

"Wait wait. Hang on!" She screamed but they fell on deaf ears as the Dragon took off towards the sky, flying out of the temple and towards the sea.

"Treasure awaits Ms.Lynx! And you shall have it! I owe you much for saving me so I will reward you with Gold! I promise!"