
I kick and thrash about like a toddler screaming with tearful passion. "hush now child," whispers the blue-masked doctor restraining my left arm, his voice anything but comforting, "this one won't hurt a bit." "get your paws off me!"

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Havana or Hell, part three

Within minutes, i was playing a war-game with an obese, giggling toddler, and i struggled not to laugh out loud. his words sounded like baby chatter to my ears, while he held up a handful of cards, all of which bore the same snake-like image.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Forty One

Basically, i was a toddler who'd wandered into the ring with an olympic boxer, her gloves way too big for her tiny arms to lift... and that sadist of a boxer had no problem punching her right in her cute toddler face. repeatedly.

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Dragon Mother

It was about 6 feet long and 4 feet wide, too small for a dragon toddler, but more than big enough for a human child. fortunately, it was still clean, even after being stored away for so long.

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Thirteen Tales (2019): Seventh Tale

Looking over himself, he was only a toddler now... maybe three years old at the absolute most. making him at least a year younger than his current charge. "now you're perfect so we can play!"

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The Forgotten Wolf

Kunari was very young in this memory... like a toddler almost. he was sleeping. here, aniu was singing a slow, haunting melody... some lullaby. then it stopped.

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Last Stand of The Frej [Prologue]

Crashed into the midsection of the 'damocles', and tore through the other side, cutting the frigate in half, depressurizing the cabins that were not sealed off in time, and making the two halves of the rhodean vessel spin wildly like a toy-top spun by a toddler

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Thirteen Tales 2020: The Culprits Revealed

Tale 8: victim: zeelo starting form: anthro cat ending form: shrunken toddler imp culprit: jak method: faerie magic important clues faerie dust, jak is one of two possible faeries.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 67

She felt like a toddler punching a stone wall, but she did it anyway, making the horn bounce against his chest. "that's what you said, isn't it!? 'i only hope you can still love me afterwards'. do you have any idea how that made me feel?

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Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 37

Care bears family adventures book 4 noble heart and true heart consider their future chapter 37: growing up, growing younger at only four months old, noble heart and true heart's twin cubs, kind heart bear and valiant heart horse, were already toddler

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Every single person older than a toddler has a morph watching their every move 24/7. even if they're not in the same room of your house or apartment, you better believe their sense of hearing is sharp enough that they miss absolutely nothing."

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August 3: The Shrine Visit

Then again, he was just a toddler when all of us were already at middle school. since kounosuke was out, i left the fan there and had yukiharu remind his brother about it later. with my business in the shop done, i made my way towards town.
