Dreamer's Paradise: The begining
It now had been split in to three sections: teachers, workers, testers, also there were now seven pictures across in a row each box being longer and narrower. they now showed a top half of a picture with the name overlaid at the bottom.
Birthday Binge
He quickly placed his knife down, wiped his paws on his apron, and checked on the burners, turning a few of them off and giving the others a quick stir before rushing out to greet the bottomless pits that were his favorite taste testers. "uncle nik!"
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 8
Bound together by the oaths of their guild, they would face brutal trials, savage enemies, and more than a few bugs that the game's play-testers really should have caught before release...
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 12
Bound together by the oaths of their guild, they would face brutal trials, savage enemies, and more than a few bugs that the game's play-testers really should have caught before release...
The Best Test
With all the products we'll be distributing, we're going to need a food tester."
Dreamer's Paradise: Learning a few tricks
This challenge posted help and obstacles, whom ever instructed neworleans to actually physically attack the testers is entirely at fault.
Strong Wolf Chronicles part 8 - Revelation
Reluctantly, i got off of lapin, who was confused by my actions until i walked over to my bag and removed the dna tester that dr. laurel had given me. i pressed the disk's button, and took the awaited sting from the needle.
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 16
Bound together by the oaths of their guild, they would face brutal trials, savage enemies, and more than a few bugs that the game's play-testers really should have caught before release...
The Fate of Frank Wright
Looked like the taste tester for ky jelly. "hey man, i'm trying to help these people." i protested. he gave me a half-acknowledged nod, then continued to move between people and brushed me aside.
Finding my Husband in Another World Season 1 Chapter 3: Adventurer, Student, Drop Out
Jasper bring another mana tester, this one has stopped working." the teaching assistant quickly brought a second but it was the same. "well that is unusual. how about we just make sure. you try instead."
Filling the Void - Chapter Sixteen
Still, he took the took the glass, pulled a straw-shaped metal probe out of his pocket, and drew a microscopic portion of the contents into the tester.
Clarity - Chapter 19: Empty Nest
It turns out the slow-cooker is rather approachable, so i've got something on for tonight, and another taste-tester would be welcome. it'd be even more relaxed than the bar, and if it's a victory toast you're after, i've got that covered too.