Fourth official character
Energy/bioenergy(soulenergy)/magic resistant dragon hides under that military style pants made of natural materials as well as a cotton mens tank top uses bows and bone steal carbon fiber axes and daggers and spears fire arms abilities/skills:high speed regeneration
Doctor Who and the Gift of Anubis Pt 2
The more they regenerated, the more they lost who they were." the doctor wiped a tear from his eye and used the screwdriver again. there was a whoosh and ships flew from skaaro toward gallifrey.
Monster Mankind Chapter 4
However, what the angels didn't consider was that i would regenerate even after that grenade in my face. turns out i have regenerative capabilities that are greater than most werewolves.
Chapter XII: E = MC2
regeneration energy flowed between twilight and noon attacking the large beast as twilight gave his life force. he braced and continued on, throwing everything he had into the attack. noon stood back as the regeneration energy engulfed his body.
9th official character
Chameleos abilities such as mist breath poisoned mist break and camouflage that bring up into the dread demon spiders abilities of poison/venom manipulation, evil eyes, spider silk production and weaving as such and congeration of the demonic elements, with regeneration
7th official character
Have one but is often seen as a child so she rarely takes it on skills:hunting, espionage, assassinations, survival, making tech/gear and is a trap master abilities: strong enough to lift aaverage car but what she lack in strangth she makes up in speed, regeneration
Kamuzu's biograpby
Skills: - regeneration and healing of wounds and bones. - increased physical resistance in a 10% curiosities: - the tattoo on his back hides a secret power that only the delphox know.
D.E1 Chapter 11: The Blue Comet Part 1
It took almost a month for the medics to regenerate them, not counting the time that it takes to do a full cell mapping and dna programming in the stem cell regenerator... but i don't know..." he sighed.
Quoth the raven
"while you were regenerating in the egg it probably caused some mutation because the magic used wasn't designed for your species, and as for your oddly selective amnesia your mind was gone when we put you in the egg."
Uncarved Block
"ugh, i hate the regeneration thing, though," diaz shook his head. "it scares the crap out of people.
Faith Containment Log: Diamond
She is also capable of rapid regeneration and is difficult to keep an eye on. her form seems to affect the minds of those viewing her, causing them discomfort, followed by hallucinations of monstrous forms at the edge of their vision.
Chapter 3: setting the scene
([image]( he regenerated the lost flesh from his hand and put the weapon back in the case. at that point somebody knocked on the door.