The Bards Dream Part 1

The raptor went about recording his dream, making sure to recreate every detail as he remembered it. this would prove to be an interesting tale to tell, indeed.

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999 The End of the Way

Carefully retrieving it with his other hand, he flips it open to the first blank white page, then makes a swift brushstroke with his finger to recreate, in a thin streak of iron red, the defining glyph which evoked his dream.

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Doll Factory

"welcome to apex recreational." "why are we here?" andlat whispered to the wolf sitting next to him. "shh, honey." jack smiled at the bear. "i understand that you have a special order?" the bear said, trying not to look over at andlat. "yes.

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[Infosheet] Almegian Zelta Drakes

While holding no taboo to sex or sexual expreinces, drakes only engage in recreational sex with those they trust. additionally, they enter a monthly period of heat, always at the beginning of the month.


Letters from the Heart

I asked you about what attractions and recreational stuff were in town, and you mentioned the park, the art gallery, and the museum. you must have listed some other things, too, but those are the three i remember.

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Eternally Vernal, Epilogue: Snowflakes On Flowers, Their Souls Preserved Beneath Glass, Springtime Forever

He had set an appointment in linalool for some recreation and instead he was picked by northerncourt to sit on these pokemon until their case was resolved because the other students, all fresh inductees, needed the experience of grid searching.


Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 3

He was a brilliant astro-physicist who poured over the n.a.s.a. archives and attempted to recreate manned flight and space travel.

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FlounderAway: Retracing

"do we have to recreate the scenarios again for you to remember?" virkoal whined, she never liked the thought of getting wet. "er... probably. it was only just one time we have met anyway."

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The new dinosaur (part1)

Dinosaurs: recreated" i said " sounds more like a documentary" she than said "how about... \*gasp\* cretce... no... how about... oh! mesozoic park!" i say "you know... thats good... thats a awesome name!" she said "thanks...

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The UmbreGlace Experience: Chapter 2

When this mad scientist did was try to manipulate and recreate mew through the hair he found. however, he failed and created a wave of energy that re-energized the dormant gene and the people with the gene started turning into their pokémon ancestors.

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Chapter III: On The Moors of PXC-348

"so you're saying that "the beast" is really a black panther, with the ability to camouflage himself against any surface, he has a cult that warships him and wants to recreate his power, that makes sense."

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