Mistaken Identity: A Drabble

These drabbles/scenes/snippets/etc. are often nonsensical, puzzling, and absurd yet there are moments when i feel proud of them. this dialogue of a mistaken identity is one such dumb little scene. "do you have any wool?" the shepherd asked the sheep.

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The Tradgedy of You and Me

Is pain you tore me apart like the waves of the sea time washed away the fate of you and me you're gone so maybe it wasn't meant to be what am i supposed to do with this tradgedy my words try their best to reach for your heart the puzzle

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I am a fox cunning and guileful, with swift mind and sharp tongue your wits are a puzzle, meant for amusement. angry words and disagreements retorts and rebuffs. they are nourishment i am a a wild beast free and brave and unafraid.


Fates of heat and snow

Fearing cold and heat them both rearing furs were tainted muscles clearly strained stripes thinly painted equine frames in pain snow and sand hooves making a trail cold and heat they weren't frail foam from muzzles watchful and tense lives like puzzles

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Part III: Escape

These tests were getting longer and were now a confusing mix of puzzle-solving and gymnastics, which was throwing off her focus and rhythm.

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My face pushes out into a muzzle, the full moon's glow completes the puzzle. fenris and tor must be smiling, for i sit her and laugh, humans' god i am defying.



Like a puzzle, only certain instances or events will let those true colors be revealed. although, there is no telling when they will appear. i bleed until i see the day that all turns for the right in life; my heart soaked in the poison of dark.

Teaser 3

Make sure you read the other two to learn about the puzzle, good luck. journal entry #80 lord phera just summoned several teams, including deltro and myself, to discuss the findings.

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One Week to Change: Chapter 4

I had tried for hours to figure out the puzzle that nion had given me, but the only thing i gained from it was anger.

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Measures And Balances

That was okay though, he liked puzzles and this puzzle promised to have an exciting payoff as soon as he figured it out. he was only two houses from home when he realized he hadn't said anything to either of his friends.

The Candle

I always had questions, more puzzles to solve. you always had answers, solutions; pieces and parts. except for that motherboard, three caps blown and out. i wanted to give you another hug, to show you that i cared.

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Further Information about my other characters

So, when this comes out bit by bit it will introduce a bigger picture, like pieces of a puzzle, and i think some people will like it if they are like me introducing their characters.
