Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 70
You took all my fears away by making a special promise, and it was because of that promise i was able to rest without worry." "i remember..." it was getting difficult to talk. his words tasted of blood. "i think about that promise every day.
Skyler (short story)
I want you to promise me that no matter how bad the world gets, no matter how evil people may seem...p-promise me you will never become one of them...promise me you will always protect people" \*sniff\* "i p-promise mom...i promise i will always be good
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 72
You took all my fears away by making a special promise, and it was because of that promise i was able to rest without worry." "i remember..." it was getting difficult to talk. his words tasted of blood. "i think about that promise every day.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 146
_i promise to keep going. i promise not to give up. i promise to keep putting one foot in front of the other. i'll promise whatever it takes. a hundred promises. a thousand promises. a hundred thousand. whatever power they may hold, i'll make them all.
Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 43
You nearly broke your promise, you dirty rat. you promised me you wouldn't die, and what do you do? you decide it's a good idea to go and have a tussle with banno. i knew you were stupid, but that goes beyond imbecilic."
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 134
You nearly broke your promise, you dirty rat. you promised me you wouldn't die, and what do you do? you decide it's a good idea to go and have a tussle with banno. i knew you were stupid, but that goes beyond imbecilic."
This is me. A Dragion's Lair Challenge: Puma Concolor
I made her a promise to see to it our daughter grew up and has a good life. i have done so, our child is now in collage and with enough money to pay her way. she made me promise to not be in a hurry.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 9
You promised me you'd keep them safe.
Pokemon Story - Brotherhood of the Bracken Sea Ch. 1
His resentment toward his father for leaving him - for not keeping the promise he had vowed to complete. all jim could do was give him a hug. "he promised me, jim! he promised!" jake blubbered. "he said he'd come back! he said he'd see me again!"
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 9
You promised me you'd keep them safe.
Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 66
_dan, no matter what happens, promise me you'll stay like you are. promise me you'll stay different. don't become like me. stay strong. don't throw everything away. don't turn into an animal. promise me, dan. please, promise me..._ "i promised..."
Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 65
_dan, no matter what happens, promise me you'll stay like you are. promise me you'll stay different. don't become like me. stay strong. don't throw everything away. don't turn into an animal. promise me, dan. please, promise me..._ "i promised..."