Jeremy 085; The Bureau Of Sabotage
Its the primary task of the ceo to mentor the coo into taking over the position he holds." the ocelot finally smiled. "its going to be an interesting five years." jeremy couldn't help but smile back.
Lonely Oak Chapter 126 - The Meadows
Hupp the only one showing her teeth, excited for her new position and responsibility. mrs. oulryk was peaceful, and content leaving everything in the hands of the future.
Rendezvous Under the Moon
From beneath her cloak a pair of appendages shifted and unfurled, black leathery wings like a bat eased from their folded position on her back.
Breaking News
"positives? i can't say i have spoken to many in town who can offer any positives to this." he stopped to watch me with a look as if he was chewing a wasp. i searched my mind for ways to get him going again.
Taking the position, his stomach rested heavily on the ground as he crouched down.
Long Term Planning
"thank you, i will accept; someone needs to do this position. i am certain that my position keeps me off the council?" i respond, {yes. however, you will have to attend any session to announce anything that is pertinent to the people.
After Dinner Mint
They hadn't said a word since assuming the positions of couch and potato.
Veracia Chronicles: Darkest of Stars Ch.1
"there are no other ships in the area jona, as i said you are the only one in the position to assist the orindal reach edaan's defensive perimeter." "fine..."
Flares Bells (Welded Sunset)
The success she'd found was a matter of patience, stealth, and trading pieces of herself for positional advantages.
The legend of a warrior; chapter 14 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - Supercharge
I think at least one has been hit, but the hq is already moving another to an advantageous position for remedy.
L.G.T - Quenching the Steel
Good, go take up your positions."
Jon Wallace’s Guide to the Season (Ahead of the Pack Preview)
Since the seventies, the scra points system seemed kinda arbitrary: winner got 185 points, second got 170 then it stepped down by 5 points per position before switching to 4 points per position for a while, then 3, then 2, then 1 until the last place (43rd