Angie (Epilouge and Author Notes)

I sent out petitions, got backup from animal rights groups, and even took it to court. all ended up futile. after five years of fighting, i gave up.

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Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 3

Trade meeting of 2.10.0550aw that recognized the joining of the horizon territories and bringing an end to the eastern horizon exploration promise enacted a worldwide petition for all territories to sign.

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New Zealand Republic

The best option for a referendum on a new zealand republic is to hold a citizen's initiated referendum (cir), requiring a petition to be signed by a number of supporters.

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A Thief's Trials: The World Turns

We have no wish to harm you, even now illthar is petitioning on your behalf." :petitioning for what.: she narrowed her eyes suspiciously but the salamander just shook his head and flicked his tongue out.

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The City of The Night

We are petitioning them to return the library to the city now.

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The Taur

"it's true," he swore, "i did like that king minos in the geek story and petitioned poison for a bull guy. he showed me what to do in a dream." "it was the god poseidon not poison, and the bull presented to minos was my father; not me.

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The Taur

"it's true," he swore, "i did like that king minos in the geek story and petitioned poison for a bull guy. he showed me what to do in a dream." "it was the god poseidon not poison, and the bull presented to minos was my father; not me.

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The Royal Secret part 12: The Promise of Power

"i seem to remember a scab-kneed cub petitioning me to refrain from doing so," the uncle hissed as his tone dropped any simper. how much longer did he have to tolerate this headstrong whelp before...but, no...better to live out of the spotlight.

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Futzler Files #2: Bell-Holland Bleus

He flipped to another paper, "however, the overwhelming majority were highly dissatisfied with the new taste, with petitions being formed online for us to revert to the original recipe.

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Draco - Chapter 3

** **kyo partit d'un petit rire.** **- à qui, aux profs, au principal? demanda-t-il, ils s'en foutent.** **spyro resta muet.** **spyro allait dire quelque chose mais kyo le devança:** **- tu penses aux parents n'est-ce pas?

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Ragnarok - XIX

Norse mythology, too, has one, when messengers are sent to the hall of hel to petition for the release of baldr from death. but since this entire story has been about the dead, and arguably has taken place in 'the underworld,' i inverted the pattern.

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Consortium 1-2: Shipment of Nothing Chapter 3

She had already petitioned the raeshael leaders to have a conversation with her later on when they get the chance, but none of them seem to be acting at all strangely.

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