Benjamin the Wolf

"Glorified and sanctified be God's great name throughout the world which He has created according to His will." These words had become all too familiar for Benjamin Cohn the wolf. The words were the start of the Mourner's Kaddish, which meant that...

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For the Love of a Dog

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This story is dedicated to all the dogs that have shared my life and given me their unconditional love, to all those sweet gentle souls that I still miss so much. If there are no dogs in heaven, then I won't go...

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That Others May Live

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This is not a Furry or Yiff story I'm afraid, it's just something I felt I had to write. It's dedicated those soldiers who go into combat unarmed, not to kill, but to save lives. That Others May Live By...

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Project Luna - Subject Omega

Log 135: Training ran later than usual but no seemed to mind. Gamma, Sigma, and Epsilon are the only ones who were annoyed by this. The scientist ran a combat simulation which was rather too easy. Log 197: Things seem to be getting rather strange....

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Aether Wars {Part One}

My ears perked and turned toward the sound of a cough that came from somewhere near the back of the cave. I sighed as my head mimicked the movement of my ears and turned to look into the darkness where the sound had come from, my head then turning to...

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Letters from the Heart

I hope you enjoy the personal touch. i'm sorry. this is rambling and long and unrelated. i would start over, but i want to share that evening with you again. i hope it still makes you smile.

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A Dragon Redeemed, Part 1

It would seem the great beast really did come in peace, and when he let delia go he knew he had no choice but to honor his agreement and face the dragon in person.

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My dream in story form... Atleast I think it's a dream

It was yesterday, 12:00 am, and I was just now getting sleepy, once finally asleep, it did not last long. At 2:12 am and my lungs were hurting badly, forcing me awake. The room started going cold, and I passed out... There was this glow... I opened my...

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A Second Chance Chapter 2

Chapter 2: New Life 'Where am I? Who am I? What am I?' were the only thoughts going through my mind, as I pushed against the warm walls of my prison only for the walls to expand and then contract around me. This happened for the next couple of hours,...

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The Moon That Embraces the Sea

When I wake in the night From what, I can never be sure I feel you all around me And I know I am secure. Your embrace is warm Encompassing me while I sleep Dreaming the taste of your kiss Knowing you're mine to keep. You light up my whole...

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The Brave Coward

There is a boy Who takes my dreams And leaves his tears upon my pillow While I sleep He's only brave When in the dark Where he cannot be seen This is where he's free i want to trap him Within my heart And kiss away his pain No matter...

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