Epilogue: Incest and pups
Epilouge. The next day, Carls father quit his job. The two packet thier stuff and lives in the forrest. They found a nice cave where they can live. The forrest give them all they need. Over the next few years, the two earns the respect of nature. Carls...
CYOA: End: The Mirror
Don't think Carl loves his father in an incest way. He just feel close to him, real close. 'Yes dad, I come home. But please, don't be scared.' 'I would never be scare from you. Your my son, I don't care what you are. Now please, come here. You always...
CYOS, End: Incest and pups
Carl loves his dad for so long. It was the man who protect him his whole life. Suddenly, Carl tough about something. With this new, huge and muscular body. He could protect his dad from now. Carl start to be a bit more excided about the transformation....
CYOA, End: Alpha dad
Suddenly, Carl hear something. He turn his head. The door of the labs opens and shows a big creature. With his eyes, Carl can see it. It was a huge wolf, standing on his paws. Behind him, thier where a couple of normal wolves. Carl realize he would...
CYOA Forgotten notes, part two
Then Carl start to worrierd. How he must go further with his life now? School and his dad. When his dad came in his mind, he start to worried. He coudn't go home. He was a beast, What is he can't handel himself and hurt his dad. His dad was always...
(CYOA) Forgotten notes
He loves his father and feel really close to him, like wolves in a pack. tonight, his father ask him to get some forgotten notes from the lab. they would have an conversation after carl came back.
Amber Silverblood: Chapter Twenty Four
Tonight, i would sneak away from the pack and look at my old house. next time: you've all been saying she needs to grow a backbone. could this be her chance?
Innocence is not always White (A novel) - Prologue
#1 of innocence is not always white 'innocence is not always white' is a fantasy novel that follows the journey of an odd-eyed she-wolf through the lands of halzhi after her pack was killed.
Lee's Religion // Ch 2.1
The sun had barely risen when a dusty old truck pulled up to the main house. Lee hopped out of the truck with a bounce in his step and started to load in the produce he asked his farmhands to drop by the house. As he loaded the...
A Forge of Heroes - Plans and Punishment
Chach, though a mean bully, was an effective miner, which meant he was usually at the forefront of the mines, where most of the diggers were concentrated, including myra, aryn, and aida's wolf pack.
The Wolves of Twilight: Fallen Angels -- Chapter 2
"the spiral circle represents the void, thus standing for the shadow pack. the arrows with touching points imply the elite-level skills, thus indicating that you are of the elite squadron.
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Seven
"sergeant wolcott, of the wolcott pack, sir" answered alex. "are you allied with the velmarians?" "are you command sergeant?" the voice questioned. "yes sir," alex answered, he glanced up at his pack. there was another pause before alex was answered.