A Cat Among the Stool-pigeons. Interlude. (between ep5 and ep6)
**A Cat Among the Stool-pigeons. Interlude. (between episodes 5 and 6)** _Note: Dafydd is the Welsh equivalent of "David" and is pronounced "Davith"_ I took it easy on the drive back to the twin cities, unlike the mad dash the other way. I had a...
Noir Hero part 4
#4 of noir hero **part 4: the city** milo kept distant from me then on out, speaking to me only when necessary. we continued our journey for another three days until we had reached flame city.
Noir Hero part 3
#3 of noir hero **part 3: the bounty hunter** there was a sudden noise that filled the air, and dragon roared again, but something was off this time. i opened my eyes to find the dragon had an arrow stuck in its eye.
Noir Hero part 2
#2 of noir hero **part 2: the escape.** _yesssssss, you ssssshall be perfect_ those words still ring in in my ear to this very day, sending chills down my spine.
Games list as of 5/20/2014
noire last remnant lego indiana jones lost odyssey lost planet 1 mass effect mass effect 2 mass effect 3 mercenaries 2 naruto: rise of a ninja naruto ultimate ninja storm 3 naughty bear nier ninty nine nights oblivion overlord
First Journey: The Black Wolf and The Golden Retriever - Prologue
"could be noir, svart... or straight up black." now he was just flexing. "maybe creativity isn't in your blood?" "you did say i can call you whatever i like." "fair enough. call me kuro then."
Spray Part 1
Once you reach the city meet me at the noir club at midnight. i will be disguised as a human being, and i will take the bows there. glamoured of course. glamour them as bottles of alcohol as to not raise suspicion.
Commissions Available - $$$ for the Bills (8/7/2022)
~ high/low/dark fantasy ~ action/adventure/scenic ~ noir
Writing Commissions Available (8/3/2022)
~ high/low/dark fantasy ~ action/adventure/scenic ~ noir
A Cat Among the Stool-pigeons. Ep7
**A Cat Amongst the Stool-Pigeons - Ep7** _Note: Dafydd is the Welsh equivalent of "David" and is pronounced "Davith"_ Almost everyone had left. They were back in the twin cities. Until I came up with a reliable way to get Jason Cameron out of the...
Tengu. Part one.
_ **I got to know a Furr and was inspired to write this. Let me know if you approve, I've got a story arc I want to follow. BanditJourno.** _ The mirror is never kind. Staring at his reflection, the wolf had to admit he looked a little the...
Ch6 Andante
He though illinois or ill noir was "dark" in french. he'd really have to work on his languages. the guitar slipped into the case, then into the cloth case that dal had hefted from the antique hard shell case. rick sighed.