For Charity

Out of my head, nerdly thoughts, i can't... no. this is food. food is the most important meal of the day. i will need to compromise. just this once... i will think like a nerd... nobody has to know... maybe i'm looking at this wrong.


Thaumaturgic Aspects: English Draconic Translation

Kolye life sal light nuk lust solhaas machine naanuy magic ul man luj metal lod mind hah mine iid motion nerd order thu patience merp pride hak purgatory raazlin radiance naaru sense lis slime ob sloth obin soul.

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Dangerous Lunatics spin-off: Turning Point Book 1

#1 of spin-off series story series i started based off of the great story by alex reynard dangerous lunatics: turning point by token nerd -this is a spin-off series based on the novel dangerous lunatics by alex reynard i am a fan of his work and


Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 2

Evan: "doesn't take a nerd to realize that a the only rug in a stone room could be hiding something, but don't worry kate. maybe your pea sized brain will remember this little observation."

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A Nightmare: Chapter 1

"no one would want to be friends with a little nerd like you!" folvos nods his head slightly and takes the marker from his mouth and proceeds to draw a big red cross through the next box in line... "tomorrow is a new day..."

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Poem #34.0: What

He's cool but he's a nerd. it's fixed but it's broken. it's ink but it's led. it's loud but it's quite. it's straight but it's uneven. it's a cat but it's a dog. it's worded but it's blank. it's soft but it's hard.

dead fur character description part 1 kian wolffox

Is a dark shade of purple that fades into a blood red tribal designish , with purple eyes (that lurk a deep secret that will later be revealed) kian is a straight wolffox who has the body and muscular build of a swimmer and a runner and is totally a nerd

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Natural Habitat Interviews 2: Jybian

They're both tech nerds, even before being a tech nerd was considered cool. for a while, i was going to go to college and major in computer sciences, but i discovered that there was one major drawback to that idea. james lipton: which was?

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gay fight 2

nerds i knew where dressed as jocks and the jocks dressed like nerds. it was all weird, but it seemed right for some reason. every thing was made for halloween the streamers orange and black.

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TMF-Ep4-New Classmates-

He is a shy nerdy kid, fairly smart but is a bit of a pervert among some of the guys he finds "attractive" and if it wasn't obvious enough he is gay but acts perverted on the inside.

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The Messenger

Alphys noticeably corrected her posture, looking less like a nerdy lizard she was. \* in that case, i suppose i must go to him at once. while i'm gone, could you, umm, look after them? you know what i mean. \* yes...


Inferno High - Chapter 6

We talked our fellow nerds and gays into sitting there, and we decided to make it our official eating place for the year. "dude, we need more games to play." [alex] "why, getting bored of winning all the time?"

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