Beast Omega Galaxy Chapter 2

Story by KibouKumara on SoFurry

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#4 of Beast Omega Galaxy

Chapter 2! Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! :D

Chapter 2

The team infiltrated the base, swimming into it from the entrance canal. Kate went up first, peeking her head out from the water's surface and looking around for anymore guards. Miles and Evan soon followed peeking their heads out as well.

Kate: "That's weird."

Miles: "What's up Kate? You see something?"

Kate: "No that's just it, there aren't any guards around. The place is empty."

Kate raises out of the water crouching and slowly makes her way up the steps and into the base. Miles and Evan look at each other nervously then proceed to follow. As they climb the steps the group comes to a large barren room. There is barely any furniture and any that are present seem to be torn apart and old with mold all over. The walls have holes and cracks with vines and trees sprouting from them all over. The place clearly hasn't been cared for, but what do you expect from crocks? Miles spots a door and opens it to reveal a long narrow hallway. He motions for the team to follow him down it to investigate further.

Evan: "Don't you think it's weird that there aren't any crocks around? I mean...-pauses nervously- if I had a captive in my possession I would have this base heavily fortified."

Evan proceeds to look around making sure there aren't any traps or hiding enemies waiting to attack. Kate turns around and stops dead in place staring at him fiercely.

Kate: "Hey can you stop being so nervous and scared all the time!? Just focus on moving forward so we can find Vance, grab some Intel, and blow this place sky high!" Kate chuckles and jumps in place cheering at the thought of destroying the base.

Evan: "Well you seem more concerned with causing destruction weather than our actual mission. I mean who said anything about blowing up the place? Are you trying to cause more trouble!?"

Kate becomes angry and begins to stare at Evan ready to attack.

Kate: "More trouble!? It would be awesome....I mean smart to blow this place to bites! One less base for us to worry about! Am I right Miles?"

Kate turns around hoping to find Miles ready to back her up, but instead stands surprised by the fact that Miles is no where to be seen. Kate then turns back to Evan and they look at each other for a second before running ahead to catch up to their teammate. Up ahead Miles takes a left turn at a fork and finds himself at a room guarded by three crocks.

Miles: " the whole base is unguarded except for one room? That's very interesting. Maybe I should go greet these hard working reptiles."

Miles grins wide as he prepares to walk up to the guards and fight, but is stopped by a hand that grabs his shoulder jerking him back around the corner. He turns to see Kate and Evan panting, almost out of breath.

Miles: "Huh? Oh! Hey guys I was wondering where you went, but check it out!" He points at the door with the guards. "Don't you find it weird that they are the only guards in the whole place and that their only at this one door!? I bet something good is in there!"

Kate starts to get enraged again at Miles' smiling face.

Kate: "You idiot! Not only did you leave us behind, but you were also about to fight all on your own!? What about me!? I want some action! Did you..."

Kate is stopped by the sudden feeling of being poked in her back. She turns to see Evan pointing ahead looking nervously.

Kate: "What!? What are you...." She stops when she turns to see two of the crocks heading their way.

Miles: "Oh great you and your big mouth got us found out." he says to Kate

Kate: "What!? Well fine! If it's my fault I will fix the problem then!" Kate smiles wide and grabs Miles' arms pushing him out into the hall right in front of the incoming crocks. "There! You wanted to fight so bad, so fight!"

Miles was about to turn and respond with a witty remark, but realizes that he has no time when one of the guards swings his club at his head. Miles quickly ducks and avoids the club only to have a spear come right at him from the second guard. Miles quickly rolled to the right and dodge the spear stopping when he hit the wall. The onslaught didn't stop as the guard with the club came swinging at him. He was able to roll out of the way causing the club to smash into the wall making a hole on impact. Miles quickly stood up in time to sidestep on the spear attack avoiding it just in time to keep him from being ran through. With one swift moment he was able to sidestep, grab the spear and use the crock's momentum to throw him into the wall. The crock fell to the ground with a thud. Miles got into fighting stance as the last guard came at him with the club. A swing to the left then the right came at Miles, but he managed to dodge them both and deliver a powerful kick to the crocks stomach, followed by a punch to the face. The crock groaned and fell to the ground. Miles stood and wiped his forehead of sweat and turned to his friends around the corner smiling at his victory. Kate and Evan proceeded to walk down the hall to Miles.

Miles: "Ha thought you had me huh? I didn't need your help at all!"

Kate: "Oh please they had you on the ropes for a while there. I was about to jump in when Evan here told me you had it."

Evan looks at Kate with an annoyed look

Evan: "Oh really? I remember it so differently. The way I remember it is that I was the one to tell you we should help, but you held me back saying to let Miles go down first so you could be...what was it? A shining hero of glory and beauty?"

Kate blushed and chuckled. Miles on the other hand wasn't amused seeing as one false move would've gotten him a spear through the gut.

Miles: "Well thanks for the support both of you. You guys are such awesome friends." Miles says sarcastically

Miles then looks down the hall as he sees that the third guard is getting suspicious and is heading their way. Not wanting to waste time Miles runs straight down the hall and clotheslines him, knocking the crock out quickly. Miles didn't even stop as he ran straight for the door kicking it down and stood in the doorway looking around. Soon after Kate and Evan appear next to him and notices that the room is a furnished bedroom, complete with a bed, dresser, desk, and a window with a view that looked out to the forest. Kate walks in and starts to investigate the room.

Kate: "OK this is just weird. Why would three guards be watching over a simple empty bedroom? There must be something here. Evan use your nerdy observation skills to see if anything stands out."

Evan rolls his eyes and walls into the room, stopping at a spot on the floor. He smiled and stomped his foot. The stomp made an abnormal thud on the floor. Kate and Miles curiously walk over to the spot and move the rug to reveal a trap door. Kate looked over at Evan annoyed by the smug look on his face.

Evan: "Doesn't take a nerd to realize that a the only rug in a stone room could be hiding something, but don't worry Kate. Maybe your pea sized brain will remember this little observation."

Evan chuckles as Kate grinds her teeth and beings to move toward him, but she is stopped by Miles who proceeds to open the trapdoor. Miles peers into the hole to see another room, but this one looks like a cell for a dungeon of some sort.

Miles: "Stay here I'm going down."

Kate and Evan nod as Miles jumps down into the cell. Miles looked around, but stopped dead in his tracks when a familiar voice calls out to him. Miles squints his eyes straining to see in the low lit room. His eyes widen when he realizes that the person in front of him is a orange and red striped tiger. His long time friend and the target for their mission. The tiger known as Vance who began to speak.

Vance: "Yo Miles. What took you so long? I was starting to get the urge to eat this Intel I got out of hunger."

Vance stood chuckling and proceeded to hug Miles who blushed and smiled, hugging him back.

Miles: "Sorry I'm late, but it's good to see you buddy. Now let's get..."

Miles was cut short by the sudden screaming coming from Kate above.

Kate: "Hey! Crocks are coming! Time to go!"

Miles and Vance stared at each other before breaking from each others embrace. Evan lowered his hand into the cell as Miles motioned for Vance to go first.

Miles: "You first. I bet you're tired of this room."

Vance chuckled and nodded then jumped up grabbing Evan's hand. Evan pulled him up and out of the cell. As Vance stood he was instantly smacked in the back of the head by Kate who gave him a stern look followed by a warm smile.

Vance: "Nice to see you to Katty, you to Evan. Sorry for the trouble."

They both smiled at him and shrug before they were interrupted by the sounds of Miles clearing his throat revealing his impatience. Evan giggled then lowered his paw into the room once more pulling Miles out next. The group then began running to head for the hall, but stopped because of the site of a group of crocks heading their way.

Miles: "Let's take them out quick and get out of here!"

As Miles began to charge he was stopped by the sudden feeling of Vance's paw on his shoulder.

Vance: "Hold on! I got a better idea."

Vance grinned and reached into Evan's bag pulling out a grenade. He then pulled the pin out and threw it at the wall behind them making everyone jump in surprise.

Vance: "Better duck!"

Vance tackled the group to the ground landing on top of them, holding their heads down. BOOM!!! A great explosion went off blowing a hole in the room and destroying the surrounding trees in the area. After a few seconds Vance gets off the group and motions for them to run through the smoke into the jungle. They all ran through the hole in the wall and landed with a splash in the pond swimming to land. One by one they exit the muddy water and proceed to dash into the trees heading for freedom.