Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 14
This story was written during nanowrimo 2005 and comprises of twenty chapters, however for the time being i'm only uploading the first chapter to see whether or not there is any interest for a clean fanfiction story posted on here by readers and of course
Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 5
This story was written during nanowrimo 2005 and comprises of twenty chapters, however for the time being i'm only uploading the first chapter to see whether or not there is any interest for a clean fanfiction story posted on here by readers and of
Grayson 1
It was a trap set when i was writing this book for nanowrimo, and there wasn't much way out of it, then or now. deal with it. # grayson 1 **saturday, may 7, 2011** dear diary: i've always had mixed feelings when a semester ends.
Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 10
This story was written during nanowrimo 2005 and comprises of twenty chapters, however for the time being i'm only uploading the first chapter to see whether or not there is any interest for a clean fanfiction story posted on here by readers and of course
New Dawn: The Journey Begins
My entry for nanowrimo 2010, it has errors and things likely in it but please overlook them. i wanted to share this with people after having nothing else in so long so please enjoy **1.
Collar 15 -- Answers
As i post this, i'm deep in the throes of my nanowrimo, well on the way to my 7th win. collar will be on hold for a little bit, and when it returns, there's every reason to think that a very few more chapters will bring it to its conclusion.
Twisted Night: Chapter 11
Then in november its nanowrimo to do! i am thinking some horror stuff this year. anyway: we pick up off last where the dragons had headed to find their "mystic healer." one that could rid lyyreth of his curse placed on his chest.
Trouble Shared
The nanowrimo got in the way first (my fifth win, preen, preen), then some issues in this and a great many other areas of life. i've mentioned some of those in a recent journal entry, so there's no need to reheat that hash.
Collar 16 -- The End of Summer
#16 of collar after a delay for last year's nanowrimo, the story of father graham and his young lover fletcher continues.
This tale belonged to my patrons for some little time before i offered it here; they also have access to patron-only works, including my last two nanowrimo novels and the chapters of a novel-in-progress, a time-travel tale called watch dogs.
Tending to Important Matters
And also, bear in mind that certain content is patrons-only for the foreseeable, which includes my 2015 and 2016 nanowrimo novels.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Twenty Eight
Revaramek the resplendent began as my first ever nanowrimo novel. it's a comic fantasy about the world's most egotistical dragon colliding with the world's fieriest heroine.