Ah, la Vache !
Il ã©tait devant son ordinateur, ã vã©rifier sa boite mail, inspectant ses courriers non-dã©sirables au cas oã¹ un mail intã©ressant -aussi intã©ressant que peut l'ãªtre une publicitã© ou un chaã®ne- aurait ã©chouã© lã .
Do people still actually send mail?" "they apparently do, when they want to send..." he casually thumbed through the letter.
Dizzy Twister 2: A Lunchbox and a Cutie Mark
Last week they were doing the same thing and they had gone to see how the mail system in equestria worked. they actually got to deliver an actual package with her class. from that day dizzy knew she was going to be a mail mare.
Goddess (Chapter 2)
In another few minutes he took a seat on the couch--not as fancy as the ones in the redwood room, covered with cloth rather than leather, but at least as comfortable and nearly as attractive--and picked up the mail. first up, the electric bill.
Maxwell Selenveen [Character Information]
His left arm is auto-mail with a razor sharp blade sticking out of the forearm that can be retracted at any time. he has the usual pitch black silky fur and claws but he does not have a cat's flexibility like one would expect.
Sara's Story
A tall figure in full plate mail, wielding a long sword in its right hand and a large shield strapped to its left arm, dove at the creatures with unrelenting fury.
Angel O'Death.
Then the hare noticed the note next to the newly inserted stack of mail. it read: this testimony fell in to my hands through cyrus reer. hopefully, it will help in the fight against unchainable and his gang.
Ch. 12: The Evergloom Woods
Your mail gets checked any time it comes through here. the last thing we need is one for your thuggish friends in the capital mailing you some narcotics or something. you might as well give it a read. i already did."
Born For Loyalty Chapter 7
After breakfast she checked her mail now that she had a permanent location for it just outside of ponyville itself. she looked through the mail. "bill. bill. advertisement. advertisement. hey what's this?" there was a pink card that said to resident.
Ayame's Chronicles- Summer Plans
"well while you eat, i'm going to check the mail. try not to eat it all before i get back." takami walked out of his house to his mailbox while stretching. he opened his mail box and found an unusual envelope.
[Breast Cancer Awareness Month] Lily's Ribbon pt. 1
She really need to change her e-mail alert sound. or perhaps just turn it off all together. she sighed as she sat up, releasing the pillow and wiping her eyes with her paws.
Chapter Twenty-Three (Wendell)
As he hands them to me, he says, "we found these under a file on rodger's computer named 'b-mail'." "b-mail?" i ask. i look at the pictures.