Tensai's Records - Pandora: Chapter 1

Once safe, tensai took a deep breath, summoning all his skills in linguistics for the task to come. he turned to the kids, which, he noticed, hugged each other closely, the boy trying to get his twin sister behind him. "mawey meveng...

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Starborne - Adrift in a Sea of Stars: Into the Light

Profanities were not part of my original linguistic aspects - but i am learning and adapting quickly. "you were right, liam. we are fucked! done for."

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To Discover

Orion had once again been sitting on the bow of the ship, reading his book on aquatic linguistics. it was a language he rarely had an opportunity to speak in and he didn't want to get rusty.

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Outbreak to the Sky

I recognized it, the same simple signal wilds were described to be using in the air by the linguistic book, directional commands, clear enough so i could remember. i didn't object.

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Out of Time, Out of Space (Full Story)

I turn back and tell him, "at least we don't have to worry about any linguistic barriers as the tardis matrix automatically lets its passengers understand and speak any language, though everything is heard in your own.

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Walls: Reboot 9 - The Trench Coat

"my voice synthesis and linguistic package is quite modern, as are my lab-skills." i tipped my head to the droid, "is it true that adler set out digital traps to notify him of my arrival?" "yes, he did.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 3, On the Trail of Legends" - Chapter 9

Williamson, who was highly skilled in xeno-linguistics, pondered upon the name a few moments. "what is it, phil?" dr. garland asked.

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Yes, sure, the scientists, linguists and federalists back home may wish to push that twaddle onto ordinary folk, but we are now a long, long way from polcia." a tsk and a scoff drew his eyes to mine. "you would be far better served learning bolstrovan."

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book 2, The Heart of Élendor": Chapter-5

"yeah, i'm the only one on the science team that can help out on a day-to-day basis; the others--a linguist, a geologist, an archaeologist, a chemist, a physicist, and a structural engineer--not much for them to do on a small ship," carmen agreed.

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Remember Me 4 - Beneath Emerald Steel

_ **"i am planning on a modification for speech processors that will allow rapid linguistic translations by a feedback system."** he directed his eye towards the monitor showing a modified processor with looping fibrewire cables

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