A Lucky Day
Soon the lack of air started catching up with him. he struggled and cried inside his bounds, his body spasming and bouncing in the webs as it starved for oxygen.
An Interview with gamestreamer/Psudo
That's a big issue for new content creators, and one that lacks any real solution.
Guardians of Gaea's world: History
Mankind might have been lacking in strength and power back then, but we did not lack in ingenuity, which leads to discovery and invention.
lack of caffeine. lack of alcohol. probable absence of personal hygiene. how long had he been at that desk? was it the whole day, as his eyes saw?
lack of water? lack of oxygen? an asteroid? i watched as the blue lights of the engine faded into the distance, putting a huge amount of space between me and it extremely fast. i watched...watched them speed through the asteroid belt.
Their feet had regressed into simple little knobs of flesh, but their hands had evolved, each possessing 10 digits with a lack of any claws or finger nails and in a very similar shape to a chameleon's foot.
Po's Last Dive
Po fought bravely for a while, before his body started to slow down, the lack of air finally exhausting him. po looked up, to the surface, as his last bubble escaped him and went up "he-mmph..."
When in Doubt
He, too, lacked stripes. he had no feathers either. "we could attack at night, because most herbivores can't see that well in the dark. we would have the advantage. red swatted him on the head. "are you mad!
Dragon Storm: Chapter 5: Rio's Resolve!
He nearly tumbled over a few times due to the lack of sleep. however just then, a droplet of water hit his face. it felt icy cold and yet it also felt refreshing maybe due to lack of bathing. it looked like a thunderstorm was headed this way.
Tales of Furope: Death of the Phoenix
A small chorus of groans could be heard from the sleeping chambers of the great knights of furope as diz the indecisive made a surprisingly decisive statement, but his ears flattened at the lack of enthusiasm.
Forgotten: Registration
**hey, really sorry for lack of updates; been waiting on editors and lack of inspiration. anyway, here is next chapter of forgotten.** kay sat in the room as she was told, leaning against the wall, waiting for this illthian dragon to show up.
Anthro novel - Chapter One, I've Missed You.
She opened her mouth to apologise, thinking he must be whole heartedly disappointed with her distinct lack of beauty. he interrupted. "hush darling.