Monastery (Kreet 6)

"kreet! i think he's dead! _kreet!_ what should we do!?" kreet examined the boy. the blood was pooling under his head and there was no reaction in his eyes, yet he still breathed.

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Exodus - (Kreet 98)

#106 of kreet slowly... oh so slowly... continuing the story of kreet. life stuff intervenes constantly and probably will continue to do so till late march. but this story will be completed someday i swear!

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Behold (Kreet 28)

Brand stood with them, and in the center of the room was a pit - of what depth kreet couldn't guess. "welcome, my new initiates," said a voice in their heads. on the raised dias sat a creature kreet had heard tales of, but hadn't believed in.

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Answers - Kreet 77

Kallid shook his head, but kreet had an idea. "it worked, didn't it!" bishop wynda smiled at kreet. "you're clever, kreet. yes, it worked. too well. why do you suppose that was?" "free room and board?" kreet suggested. "that's it exactly.

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Kallid - (Kreet 87)

#95 of kreet kallid gets direction. image of course from kuroneko. it's 1/2 of a larger image. this would be the front cover if kreet were to be made into full book form. the other would be the reverse side. kallid awoke surrounded by his children.

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The End (Kreet 31)

#33 of kreet kazerad was streaming last night and he drew kreet!!! eventually i'll get my grubbies on this physically and scan and color it, but how convenient that i should get another canon kreet drawing just as i end this story!

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Epilogue (Kreet 32)

#34 of kreet drawing by guoh, colored by me. a fitting way to truly end this story i think. drink a metaphorical toast to kreet. she will be back, have little doubt of that. but not for a while. gotta see how this d&d game pans out.

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Distraction (Kreet 30)

"kreet," brand said quietly while the mind flayer's minions headed towards the exit to meet the mysterious noises outside. "yes?" "close your eyes," he said with a smile.

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Sigmundurr (Kreet 34)

"i'll give you some more gold for this," kreet assured him, but he shook his head. "i don't need more gold, gator. that's what i came up here for." "what, are you rich or something?" "no. i just don't need gold. ever.

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Epilogue (Kreet 85)

#93 of kreet image by harblkun. also uploading this right after uploading prior chapter so you might want to make sure you've read "the end (kreet 84)" first.

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Croix - (Kreet 97)

For kreet, for the kids. but he wasn't that strong, and he needed this time to be weak. she wasn't kreet. she was too big, for one thing. too motherly. and she didn't smell like kreet. not that she smelled bad in any way - just different.

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Night in a Castle - (Kreet 93)

#101 of kreet kallid & co spend a night in a castle. as seen through the pen of miss tribi. (felt like breaking up the pace a bit.) dear mr. feltix, i am writing to you now at the end of our third day on the road.

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