Dally's Adventure Chapter 2

Dally grimaced and pulled herself up to the window to see a big truck with a loading arm lifting a junked car onto it's flatbed. she managed to open the window and screamed, "keep it down, you moron!!! i'm trying to sleep!!!"

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Flamur's biography

- before he was a junk food addict but now he loves to do sports and healthy food. - he likes to sleep outdoors.



A side interest of his lies in the study magic, he has acquired a few dozen books and rare magical items from small second hand junk stores across neighboring towns and in the city.

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Book of Particles: Silver Stream Memory 2

Then various junk on the floor, and out of commission computer, two fans and a paper shredder toward the door and another similar bookshelf there.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 18

A couple weeks ago this room was used to store junk. much of it was cleaned out and either thrown away or donated.

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Journey to another world ch41

The sheer sound of the swirling junk pile was so loud i new that i wouldn't be able to shout my ideas to jenavee. ‘jenavee! close your eyes and get low.' i sent to her over the link.

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 1: Intrusion

If he was going to do that, he preferred to nab a few high priced items, rather than a lot of junk. even if it was startlingly shiny and valuable junk.

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Tiny Toon Adventures: FIFI & Johnny : what really happened?

But i saw in the stars that all will be better if i do something for you both or some junk... - ah thanks, shirl. said nigel smiling. where did she go? - she went to see johnny at the acme resort hotel over here."

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WC/LofW C1

To get a fire started mission 4- find food (which is basically fruit and nuts) mission 5- train by striking and lifting rocks and logs cut scene- after several year's (like 4-6) of living on my own, occasionally sneaking in to towns for better food and junk

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TAWOG: The Money Deleted Scene

Ben bocquelet's house, vanessa brookman andsam register's home while employees lived in apartment went repossessed and they holds a junk in the boxes ben bocquelet lives inside the mobile home, sam register and vanessa brookman's old mobile home trailers

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Game Night (Part eleven)

When i got into the attic the whole room was empty except for in one corner there was an old metal desk which was covered in mechanical junk, and on the other side of the room were five chairs. "everyone please have a seat please."

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All-Time High S1E14

I deal with that junk every day in class. i don't need it further etched in my head at home. that's the one place i get to stay away from it," admitted kelly. "you really should've studied.

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