Along Came Ice

However, when a cat tries to scratch dragon, ice springs to the rescue. dragon begins to notices that ice is actually rather pretty at heart.

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Ice Wardens of the Keep

A castle appeared to have been made entirely of ice in the distance and the aurora borealis frolicked along behind it, drawing the attention of the two canids entirely to the almost magical view in front of them.

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Elements: Ice [WIP]

A layer of ice had formed over the surface of the tree where his paws were and even parts of the ground were frosted over.

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Invane: Snicker's Ice

Invane: snicker's ice "we are late! we need to get to that meeting spot in the cavern right now." i spoke, my scream echoed throughout the entire darkened cavern as my eyes widened in response.

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Cold Start - Ice

The ice warband suffered their first loss before they were even officially a warband. an hour later, karrak, the legionnaire to be of ice, stood amongst the larger charr with the spite warband in shackles before them.

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Raspberry Iced Tea

She was gonna go into that bottled raspberry iced tea factory ... she was set on it. probably had been ... even before she'd brought it up.

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Fire and ice mafia

Kingdom from the north, a man name toshino the king of the ice kingdom, he too had a daughter but never said anything because the dad was very protective of his little girl.

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Christmas on the Ice Mountains

. \*\*\*\*\* the hills leading into jagged-tooth pass weren't the steepest tracks, but there was a long incline to face, and the rails would no doubt be coated with ice.

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Unexpected Visit

Theo learns how to make ice arrows, ice arrows and gains more of a mastery over making ice walls.

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Centennial Dawn Ch. 1: The Rite of Passage

Ch. 1 : Rite of Passage Pacific Northwest North America. Late Pleistocene epoch. 23,710 B.C. A herd of Mammoths are grazing in a meadow on a warm noon. In the nearby pines, five Dire wolves are hiding and watching patiently in prone with their spears...

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Five nights at Jacks (part 5)

\*Ring\* \*ring\* "Let me get in my room... God!" I said as I jogged into the office and sat in the chair. \*Ring\* \*ring\* "_\*sobbing\*_ hello... _\*sniff\*_ I cant believe that this happened _\*sobbing\*_ That old suit in the back room...

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[Draft] Mundane

* * * i trudge through the dense snowy-forest, ice crunching underpaw, the seething wind howling, trees whipping around in it's ferocity. ice pelting my face, even with a full set of gear.

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