Flares Bells (Welded Sunset)

None of the technicians seemed to know up or down of what it was made of or how it functioned, and it would always fall to her during nights out in the field to the delicate maintenance it required.

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The World We Live In Character Reference - Narati Vasra

He can also fashion unique, functioning weapons, and repair old weapons to functional status.

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Contest Entry: PlasterPaws (Gluepaw)

The gloves are highly extensible by themselves and making any sort of list as to their functions beyond the instruction manual would be counter-intuitive. when i say 'this weapon is limited by your imagination', i do mean it.


Exo Suits, Power Armor and Armor Pods

Unlike exo suits and armor pods, suits of power armor are by far the most versatile as they can be a general purpose platform or even specialized to meet a certain task or a form of combat function.

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Chapter 18 -- Wymera

How functional is it? would i be able to produce an heir?" "sadly no. the dragons perfected the process of growing bodies as replacement parts, not as progenitors.

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CE04 - basics

The names of each category may vary at times, but i'll explain how each functions in order to help distinguish them.


Burning Mouse and the I.C.E. Snake

Matter is merely a function of electrical bonds, and that can translate to data without much issue, especially when processed through a quantum computer.

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Revealing Information

"warning primary functions offline, rerouting to secondary functions!" it paused briefly. "warning secondary functions not responding! switching to core mode, running self-diagnostics!" it finished.

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Winterfall - Chapter One - Storm Front

Food, engineering functions, and government were all located within the nexus of the circular city.

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Decontamination Day

Someone's shown that they're not going to be deterred by the consequences of their actions so something was clearly amiss in the way their will functioned.

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A Day In Eternia

The locomotive was embedded in the wall of the space station, functioning on a side-rail, essentially. the thick glass walls slide open up, and the train doors open up, letting folks disembark and embark the train.

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The Flug Fly

"your head is ugly, but you still seem functional. i know you can talk, i heard you through my door. judging from your lab coat, and what i heard, i suppose you would be a scientist, correct?" dr.

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