No More Goasts
"don't know what to tell you man" carl said, "i just don't give a fuck either way." "nah, just say 'fuck leo', we all do" flynn groaned. all of them loved leo a lot, but yeah, fuck leo.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 15: The Trees Left Standing
"you back the fuck off!" "let. her. _go_." _"you back the fuck off!"_ he might be another wolf, but no one held an old lady hostage.
Puzzle Piece
fuck his parents, fuck school, fuck everyone, fuck this town, fuck this diner... fuck life...? the thought entered the fox's mind before he could fully comprehend it and he chuckled inside his head, finding cruel humour in the idea.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 3.3 - Three Golden Kings
"and now you kill saureno, what it's not a fucking birthday wish, you don't get to only do a murder once a year you pissy little-stop fucking crying!"
That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 9: Painful Memories: No Longer In My Mind, Only Happy Memories! (Part 4)
** "alex what the fuck have we been writing?" i asked and looked at him though the glass wall. "fuck if i know.. this should be like a hidden song." he said and smiled moving some hair out of his eyes. ".... we are fucked up!" hayden said laughing.
The World We Live In: Chapter 39
Lost your fucking guts, mate? do it! use those fucking teeth! rip my fucking throat out like a fucking beast you are!"
Just Once: I. Hate. Board. Meetings.
_oh my fucking god, her smile is so beautiful.
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 36: Panther in the City
"what the fuck are you?! five-fucking-year olds? come and fight me! it's what you want, _kan_?" his ear twitched a bit as he heard snow crushing several metres behind him. how many people was he fighting? ten? twelve?
Civic Duties - Part 1
The bit where your own fucking bandmates were treating me like a fucking traitor because i happened to find people that wanted and celebrated me on the surface? i mean, fuck, why should i disappoint them now?
The Reunion - Part 3
"fuck you." "is that your way of saying i'm right?" "fuck you." "noted." "i'm using the bikers' training facilities until i get signed by... by whoever the fuck signs me." "fair enough."
Cold City Cuddles
Me: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! fox:get your cute ass back here boy! me: help! as i rounded the platform of the stairs that lead to the entrance, the fox's pursuit was cut short as he had slipped and slammed face first into the floor.
Punk Rock Talks Shop: A Roadie Prequel
Lots of people think teenagers having sex with each other is fine if they practice safe sex." "it's kind of a catch-22. i'm not against people having sex, and i can already hear parents gasping in shock at my abrasive nature on it.