Marasian Morning - For Starling

^v^ <3 **marasian morning** **by hraefn** **for starling** between gilded threads of hypnotically fractured light, an aria descends from the heavens. the trees aglow with feathers of every color. the songbirds serenading the early risers of marais.

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Dragon love chapter 2

I brought out my scythe and layed it down on the bed along with the fracture blade. it will come in handy for my magical arts class and then i took out my greatbow. th final class that i entered was advanced targeting archery.

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Atrele: Friends w/ Kioko

The john was starting to sweat, when i finished, "i think it was the multiple skull fractures he suffered, really, although the fact that i cut off his testicles for pissing me off might have helped a tiny bit." so much for his bluster.


Heritage of Ash, Chapter 1: New Order

As the fireball struck, it shattered and fractured, sending white hot shards and searing metal shrapnel in all directions, cutting down numerous troops and knocking down many others.

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Splintered Light, Ch 9.4: Looking Ahead; Looking Back

The severna family was fractured, and the meeting tobias had to say farewell to his father was rife with tension, and accusation that rolf was stealing away everything in the patriarch's life.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 12

They wandered for many years before settling on the fractured isle, setting up their grand cathedral in the city of himmel. there they have remained, and it has been the center of their activity ever since.

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Anatomical Anachronisms: Prologue: Firewood Carving

More modern artists who made their own canvases cut geometrical shapes and fit them together in a square, creating several different directions of grain and slightly fractured images referred to as "mirror shards."

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A Fox's Family (Part 7)

A large bandage over his left eye held medicine in place to aid in the care of his bruised and beaten face, another bandage wrapped firmly around his fractured hand and the last over his chest and midsection to protect his healing ribs.

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//?A Curious Sergal: Part 10.001

It felt like his hand was broken and his windpipe was fractured. the world was a spinning fireball. how had this happened? he couldn't even remember. why was he wet? there was red everywhere, and the world was spinning.

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University year (part6)

The doctor said "well let me grab his chart" he picked up the chart and said "blood loss, two broken ribs, a broken thumb and a fractured leg... also one of his lungs was collapsed" i nod and ask "will he be okay?"

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Kaisa and Adina: Flatlined...

"multiple compound fractures and severe blood loss led him to flatline..." screaming out in misery kaisa's mother began to cry uncontrollably. "but he's stable..."

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Legacy Final Epilogue

Even the charred ground fractured enough that yukiomaru could see fracture lines spread out from beneath the dust clouds. the confirmation of the success was evident through the fact that there was no more defenses activating.

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