There was no escape though, so he was forced to endure the confusing gestures and noises that were being aimed at him as he just lay in the arms of several anthro lions.
"these tattoos force me drink their piss and eat their shit." "quite true.", shenzi said as she suddenly appeared in front of simba, literally scaring the piss out of him, which sarabi was forced to drink. "oh hello down there."
Rex Security
With lights out and the night young, an anthro T-Rex walked around the facility for one last look before retiring for the night. After checking the common area, he heard some noise inside the walls and growled a little. He locked the door behind him...
Slip On Slippers
His tongue was forced to lick under the toes that pinned it when they touched the ground and get in between the toes when the foot lifted to the air.
A Dragon's Tale-The Star's Journey-Chapter 6-Task Force Raven
I didn't know how many vc were in the area,if our food and water would last for the trip,nor did i know if there were anymore russian special forces in the area. the map was from 1961,so i had no idea if any villages were closer in a different direction.
Purgatory: Prologue - Contacts From The Past.
The rain was pouring down behind the cheap blinds. It was a Monday evening. He hated Mondays. For most people it signaled that a new week full of work was begining, for him it simply meant that another worthless week was starting. Oh yes, he hated...
Chapter VIII: Make It Real, Or Else Forget About It
I'm not happy with my life, but... how is kidnapping me and forcing me into... all_this_... supposed to help me?" "so you believe there is something about you? something requiring our help?" "not_your_help," kaeden spat, "but, yeah, sure somebody's.
Candyland Isn't For Me
Be advised that deadly force has been authorized to tango's guards," i bark out as i load in the last bullet into a magazine. "roger that, alpha copies all."
Plot of Mission Earth
This is a story plot. When I don't have enough time to make the story with all its details I make the plot of it so that I can remember. This one is kinda long for a plot and its only a plot for part of the story. You guy out there can use it to make a...
The King's Pet
Of course, david didn't stop with two, either- he quickly lost track as he force-fed nixx pie after pie, administering slow belly rubs in between. eventually, the pie stores dwindled as nixx's belly grew more full.
Sudden Cake
Trying out those little thoughts, it turned out, meant nearly three hours of being stuffed forcefully by the ethereal being in the room before they were released.
The feline was okay with that though, as he was so greedy, so gluttonous, and so ready to eat until he was fit to burst that he wanted nothing else than to be force-fed until he passed out in a gluttonous stupor.