Astral High - Chapter 42
As we fell further more, the fog became more and more like mist, soaking our fur and clothes as time went by. the mist began to lighten in color, getting whiter and whiter, and becoming more like fog again.
Raven Wolf - Book 4 - Chapter 06
Tahki walks up to the window, stopping next to it and staring out into the fog. "instinct... something didn't feel right..." she stares at the fog, this sending her a clear message on what was wrong.
Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 39
But just before it disappeared completely into the mist, it stopped and turned its head to look back at him.
Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 40
At first ander thought that the mist was getting even thicker, but that couldn't be right. he couldn't see the trees anymore because there _weren't_ any.
I Dacien - Chapter 4 - Symphony
I do assure you lord fog has his own pressing business, and it may well be that lord winter's thoughts were so on his own project that lord fog's needs were driven from consideration." "i did find it odd that i should be referred to lord fog.
Asharan: Jake and Ben
The lightning suddenly halted and seemed to be gathering into the middle of the black fog.
The Tail of Thorns - Prelude (Rewrite of Mixed Tale - Violence)
Pausing, he took note of the sudden fog. it struck him as mysterious on a day with clear skies only minutes ago.
The Tunnel
I staggered forward against the shivering of my body in the fog, my feet slapping softly against the floor as my eyes strained forward ahead of me, my will trying to pierce the mist to reveal the blackness prior. my imagination played tricks on me.
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 5(.0)
#9 of wolves mist(2) snow peered around him as he stepped through the gateway. thick mist swirled around them, blanketing the world in an eerie white silence. dark trees loomed out of the sea of white. thin and bare, black sentinels in a white world.
The Hiding Diversity (writers block ah!)
"well that fog was not a normal fog i am guessing" seija said after looking around at everyone and noticed that people, including herself, had changed from people to anthropomorphic animals during the smoke like fog.
Hell on Earth. Chapter 10
The thick, white, cold mist began curling around him again. he tried not to panic, knowing what was coming for him this time. a warm hand slipped into his, and the fog surrounded them both. "that was quick! this wraith is hot on your tail.
Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 39
But just before it disappeared completely into the mist, it stopped and turned its head to look back at him.