My Grand, Frozen Heart part 1
I yelled, and the two evaded the scene. running to the wolf, i saw he was unconscious, and badly bruised. thinking of how he was so badly maimed, it reminded me of myself during middle and high school. i picked him up, and carried him home with me.
Attack at Night
Her heart was pounding and her breathing quickened as she tried to evade the sharptooth. she forgot that they were in the great valley. she forgot that sharpteeth could not get in. all that filled her mind now as terror and dread.
Believe – Chapter 3: Omega
Imya whimpered and tried to evade as many bites of her half-brothers and half-sisters as possible. from the chant, they just repeated, she knew which was the position she was in right now.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 27 - Altala - The City at Night
He used his speed to evade another incoming nightshade that the opponent directly launched at him after the first one. maybe it wasn't effective, but it wasn't exactly pleasant either.
Last Flight of the Kithrasain
evade, _evade_!" her voice rose to a shrill yowl as she realized the proximity of the lethal ordinance closing like a globe of death upon the kith.
Shadow of a Freelancer Ch 19.) Broken Lucidity
Rrahkarr replied with a grin as he changed direction and continued to evade. rrahkarr continued to evade while laughing.
Mesozoic Park 2 (Part 13, the end)
Guns the make dinosaurs fall asleep, they can see in the dark, they make some dinosaurs sit on logs and drift away, they bring some over in cages, and others they just chase off the island with fire and guns" he explained "i've been using my camouflage to evade
Every Thorn has its Rose
Thankfully, rey had evaded her first instinct, which was evidently to check the desk where he had been the other day. her back bent and she placed her hands on her knees to check extensively and thoroughly.
Target XY
During all of the chaos of deathball, i had to use all my skill to avoid, evade, duck, roll, notice and deflect each of the dozens of balls flying at me.
Changes of heart: Ghosts
Out here though, there was no evading the pup's chatter and almost in spite of himself, khan found himself drawn into conversation, not only about what had happened, but about what it all meant.
It evaded her fingers with what she swore was a maniacal giggle, trembling beneath a bundle of half-used tubes of lipsticks. she muttered under her breath words that she would not have any other fur overhear, not even on her deathbed, oh no.
The Dying Game
In hindsight, there had been some harm to him, because he had not evaded the train swiftly enough. but he had to be all right: michael had to be all right for her. he could live without an arm or a leg. he had to.