The Encounter (Surprise Episode!)
So, i wrote this little bit, and it didn't seem to fit with anything else, and i wanted to lead up to the next episode a bit, but i didn't want to drag this scene out into a full episode. so, you guys get a special short extra episode this week! yaaay!
In the same episode you said you really liked squeaky toys shaped like bananas. what does that mean? colleen: well, mate, if ya really wanna know...
The Garden
This was something knew she had never moved from her spot in an episode and this it seemed as if she disappeared.
Alistair and the All-Purpose Umbrella: Episode 1: Chapter 1
#4 of alistair the alistair books are divided into 3 episode segments and each episode is divided into 4 chapters and is stylized after the novelization of a television series from 1978.
The idea was given to me by several sources, including the twilight zone episode 'the lonely' (s01e07), the stargate sg-1 episode 'urgo' (s03e16), the anime armitage iii, and sarah connor's monologue at the end of terminator 2: judgment day.
So Knotty! (A playful Poem I wrote under the influence of Jager Bombs)
The current cartoon was my most favorite courage the cowardly dog episode: freaky fred. suddenly this little rhyme and thought popped into my head and i just had to write it down and share it!
episode three of furry fan interviews has tommyfox interview balto! we learn that dragons are weak to ice and fairies. and that chili dogs are spicy. silver: i could really go for a chili dog right now.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 12: Shockingly Good Old Time!
#13 of lost pokemon episodes here's chapter 12 of the lost episodes. i forgot to upload it. legalities: this is a non-profit fanfic. all pokémon characters are copyrighted to the prospective peoples.
Consortium 1-4: The Gathering Storm- Chapter 1
#31 of consortium beginning of episode 4. and in many regards episode 4 kind of switches from an episodic approach to more of a serial approach.
Hallowtide: Chapter One
"oh, look, they've recommended an episode of 'friendship is magic'. we should watch that next! it will be a pleasant change of pace from the _ghostbusters_film." "'friendship is magic'?"
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 9
Title: the lost pokemon episodes. by: hakuzo nightfox episode 9: tunnel vision \>\>\>narrator: last time, andrew and hakuzo where on their way to mount moon.
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 6
Ver 1.0 title: the lost pokemon episodes. note: in this story i am forced to use the japanese name of this gen 5 pokemon.