this story was written and copyright 2009 by theo winters, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed.
Fox, Rabbit, Transformation
Posted using postybirb
copyright © [2022] by [rain - dragonien]
all rights reserved.
no portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by u.s. copyright law.
Destruction, Dinosaur, Dragonien, Extreme Fat, Fat, Growth, Jeri, Macro, Weight Gain, dino
Spirit bound universe copyright (c) plainwalk
this story is copyright (c) farmwolf
**the redemption of lily marks**
nathanial was cross-legged on his bed, meditating. the focus seemed to be on how well things had been going recently.
Akita, Fox, Magic, Personal Redemption, Spirit Bound, Supernatural, Teen, Wolf, barepawed, fanfic, forgiveness
All characters copyright the black megaman. the pink yoshi (kara) is copyright viktoria foxfang & yoshi, nidoqueen and the ing are copyright nintendo.
Anthro, Crista, Dragon, Female, Jessicia, Kara, Male, Nidoqueen, Pyra, Slime, Yoshi, Zephy, ing, jennifer
Edit: well, since its not the same char anymore cause of edits, its fine now. x3
but still gonna put it here for reference
just uploading it here so i won't have to worry about copyright issues.
char © me.
Dragoness, Kangaroo, description, ref
Ode to dragons copyrighted my myself wonderinidoit.
Dragons, Ode