Love My Daddy: Scheming and Wonder

Story by Desert Mutt on SoFurry

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#2 of Love of a Hero Sequel: Love My Daddy

(The following is a work of fiction. Desert and Delilah are copyright to me. Xahn is copyright her player and used with permission. This is a sequel to "Love of a Hero" and takes place approximately eighteen years later.)

Desert walked toward his apartment door with two pizza boxes in his paws. He heard two girls giggling as he got to the doors. It sounded as though Delilah's friend was there and the two were already having fun. He opened the door, seeing the two of them watching a movie on television.

"Pizza's here," he shouted, startling the two girls. They had been so interested in watching and making fun of the movie, they did not hear him come into the apartment. The two of them smiled slightly as they got up, heading to the dining table.

"Welcome home Dad," Delilah said as she hugged her father. She felt herself heat up slightly as she pressed against him, still remembering what happened earlier that day. She let go of him before it felt like it had been too long, opening up the box of pizza and taking a slice. She looked at her friend as she started to eat, her mind starting to work out her plan once more.

Xahn took a slice of her own and started to eat it. She was a female wolf with brown fur and gray patches, very close to the color of her eyes. She sat down in a chair and looked over at her friend. Delilah was looking back at her, looking like she was scheming something. One of Xahn's ears twitched curiously, causing the gold earring to glimmer.

"Well," Desert said as he opened the second box, "You both know the rules of the house. If you need me, I'll be in my room." He started to eat the slice as he left the two girls. Desert loved his daughter and found her friend to be nice. They were also old enough to watch themselves.

Xahn watched as her friend's father walked off. It was hard for her to believe that he was twice their age, he still looked twenty. She had a crush on him for years, but he probably would not be interested. The she wolf looked back at Delilah. The half cat still looked like she was thinking on something about Xahn. Perhaps wondering how to approach the subject of them sleeping together?

"Well, I'm going to bath" the she-wolf announced as she stood up, having finished her fill of pizza. Delilah nodded as she watched Xahn go to the bathroom. The half-cat got up slowly and walked over to her father's office. She stepped into the doorway, looking at him work a moment.

"Dad?" the half-cat asked calmly as she entered the room. "There was something I wanted to ask you." She sat down in a chair near him. "As long as I can remember, I have never seen you with a woman. I mean...I've seen you talk to them, but I have never seen you get a phone number, go out on a date, or bring one home. it because of me or did mom mean so much to you, that you still aren't over her."

Desert leaned back in his chair looking at his daughter. He had expected Delilah to ask this question since she was ten, but he still had not figured out how to answer it. He studied his half-canine daughter, trying to figure out how to word it best he could. His foot went out, pulling her chair closer as he took a breath.

"I do still miss Rena," he said, looking into his daughter's glowing green eyes. "But she is not the reason I haven't been dating. It's been many years since she died and I know she would want me to move on. Your mother was very loving, caring, and willing to put others ahead of herself. You are so much like her personality-wise." He gave her a hug, taking a moment to continue.

"I chose to not date because I wanted to be able to be where I was needed when I needed to be." He kissed her cheek, holding her close. "I was there for some of the most entertaining moments of your life. I am glad to have been with you through everything and would regret if I had missed it because I had left you with a babysitter while I was with some female trying to get to know her." He leans back, sighing again. "I regret your mother couldn't have seen how you grew up, but I'm glad I was here with you all along."

Delilah nodded slowly, thinking about what her father had said. He had always been there for her. He saw the tape he had of when she was learning to walk. She remembered how he had comforted her when she had gotten in a fight at school because some one made fun of her for being half dog and half cat.

She also remembered how he was there for her when she got in a fight with another girl at high school. He was actually proud of her for standing up and defending the reputation of one of her friends, even though he still punished her for getting in a fight. He had proven he loved her time and again. When she thought about it, she did not want it any other way either.

"Thank you daddy," She whispered, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Her body tingled slightly with lust as she did. Desert smiled at his daughter as she left his office. He sighed as he leaned back into his chair, watching her go. He wish he could tell her the truth, that while she was Delilah, she was also the reincarnation of her own mother, Rena. It would be traumatic, and the purpose was for her to forget the tragedies of her life as Rena to have a more normal life.

The half-feline walked slowly toward her bedroom, stopping at the bathroom door. She smiled to herself as she listened to Xahn in the shower. Her tail flickered slightly as her mind worked. Her father had been there for her for all her life, and she was going to return the favor. Then she was going to have him for herself as a lover.

Much later that night, Desert had gone to bed and the two girls were on the couch, watching some movie. Neither of them were really watching it though. Delilah was looking over at the she-wolf from the corner of her eye, trying to figure out when to start her plan. Xahn was looking at the half-chat out of the corner of her own eye, wondering what on earth she was scheming.

"This movie isn't that entertaining," Delilah sighed as she turned off the television. "How about....." she paused, pretending to try to think of what they could do, "We play truth or dare instead? You go first. Truth or dare?" She smiled at her friend sweetly, tail twitching as she started her plan, getting a curious look from the she-wolf.

"Truth," Xahn said calmly, watching her friend closely. Whatever Delilah asked would help her figure out what the cat was scheming.

"Have you ever had sex before Xahn?" she asked, tilting her head curiously. Her tail curved in the shape of a question mark as she waited for the she-wolf's answer.

"With a male, yes," Xahn said sadly, remember how he abandoned her afterwards. "With a female....also, yes." She blushed slightly at the admission, also giving Delilah an opportunity to hit on her if that's what the half-cat was planning on doing.

"Wow" Delilah's eyes widened in genuine shock. "I had heard rumors at school, but had no idea you were a bisexual." She smiled at her friend. "Well anyways," she said as she recollected herself, "It's my turn and I will pick truth as well."

"How come since I've known you, I haven't seen you in a relationship?" She asked, ears moving in curiosity. Delilah was kind and friendly, males were throwing themselves at the pair.

"Something didn't feel right," the half cat shrugged. "The guys were nice enough, but something was missing. I just never found myself attracted to any of them, although I have recently started developing feelings for someone...Well, it's your turn."

"Dare," Xahn stated clearly. Her tail wagged some as she thought she had it figured out. Delilah was attracted to her and was trying to find a way to see if Xahn felt the same way. Now she was giving the Delilah the chance to be bold and perhaps get a kiss.

Delilah grinned at her friend. Now was her chance. She could put her plan into action. Soon, she would know what she needed to and have what she needed to sleep with her father. First, she had to take care of Xahn.

"I Dare you to...." She grinned, watching her friend's reaction.

(End part two. Part three will be written and posted soon. Hope you enjoyed the plot development, even if there was no sex...YET.)