Prologue - You would be too if you did what they did

Initially composed of human dna strands (until it was made illegal to use human dna) they were initially highly intelligent versions of pet-models.

The Death of Innocence

Their tails wagged constantly as they licked lightly at each other's cheek before composing themselves.

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The Spark Of Life - Chapter 01

What is the material in which this composer has assembled his piece? well, he has composed himself of various parts of corpses he's come across, each in various states of decay.

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Peter and the Fox chapter 1

Realizing what he was doing, the lynx's eyes darted back upwards and he composed himself before accepting a cup of the custard with a polite dip of his head.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 112

._ he turned away from the counter after a few tears fell onto it and tried to compose himself.

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A Bump in the Night Special: Crossing Spots (Repost)

She tried to compose herself and start again. "i... l-love you. s-s-so. much!" he whined, and tried to press even closer against her, whispering, "oh, penny..." tommy swallowed, blinked, felt katie squeeze his paw.

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The Last Man

The title is based off a piece clint mansell composed for the film, "the fountain". he drifted amongst the stars. for how long he did not know, but he drifted. it might have been centuries, or maybe millennia had passed.

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Major Thomas Bishop bio.

" "let's head to new york, break some shit and send those dutchies (the un invading force in new york was mostly composed of dutch troops being supplied by france) back to amsterdam with their tails between their legs!"

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Gemini – Chapter 6: Clashing Opinions

He stopped just in front of the door to compose himself and then finally opened the door. bowing, out of reflex from seeing the form in front of him, a slight titter came from being attached to the lavender hooves. "you don't have to bow."

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Home Sweet Farm Chapter 11 "Hero"

He passed by the farm but didn't bother looking at it since it was composed of both good and bad memories. he walked all the way down the street when he heard sirens going off behind him.

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The Looming Threat

With a sigh, lord shepperton composed himself and readied himself to greet this guest. the guest turned out to be a shorter man, clad in drab clothes and a flat cap.

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Shiloniap Culture

Feather bouquets = shilonians pick their own feathers to compose bundles to show their love. it's painful, but it grows back. it's a common way to make up for mishaps. to shilonians, feathers are similar to what flowers are to humans.