Chocolate Factory/Care A Lot
I'm coast to coast caring chocolate.
The Cereal Killer
A fox with a dagger stabbed and killed an old box of Raisin Bran, stole her purse, and ran away. The End
Momma and Randall
care if i help?" anthony was a rather spectacular individual, who had always been deemed for athletic greatness.
They can take care of things for an hour or two. they've been pressing me to get out of here. they will be most surprised at who i will be pressing with." this time, both adults giggled. "barbara ann, i have to go now.
Yes, there stood I, and there sat I, wrapped deep in fog and timothy, looking at THE BOY, now what do I see? Mountains of murder screaming to operate me. "What's wrong, Cujo?", a voice of recognition rings a small, blessed pound of mercy to...
Journal Entry, First Day
It's like being at a care bear kumbaya bonfire in the middle of care-a-lot, willing just enough to be there, except you're sobbing your eyes out because the emotional distress is horrible.
Now today she is standing at a new mirror pretty in pink with glam glitter girl wow you look fabulous yes you do and all your fur friends are waiting outside even the ones that you hurt in the past because the one thing you decided on the one moment you cared
The Meeting
As my introduction, I must (no matter how much it wastes my time and yours for whoever reads these things) give the Disclaimer's warning. If you are under the age of 18 or are in a state that prohibits your age group from yadda yadda yadda then don't...
Vis me?
I wish I could define lost. Going by the definition when read from Merriam Webster's dictionary, it has many different ways of being applied depending on what situation you find yourself in. Sad, really. I find myself being drawn toward the subscripts...
The Nights Song: Chapter Three
I looked to him in shock as he smiled, pulling a folded envelope from underneath the carefully packed jewelry. "this is why i asked." he pulled a small fold of large bills from the paper.
Sand Kitty Movies
Once the movie was over, and aussie's sugar high turned into a crash, she led him back to her car, driving home carefully as she listened to him sleepily talk about what had happened. "i'm so glad we went to a movie!
Adipose City: Orchard Care
The gazelle woman carefully stepped past the thick, thorny vines to get a good sample. the thorns weren't poisonous thankfully but they'd still stick her all the same if she let them.