Which soon they soon captured them which scourge soon said in familiar alien language ",scourge to soundwave.....we have captured the human targets." which soundwave soon said ",take them to this location......and wait for further instructions."

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“Ghost Pokémon and Curiosity” - A Pokémon Go! Creepypasta

I selected the pokémon and instantly went into the capture mode. it looked like a ghost type pokémon but it had a piece of wood on its head. i never seen it before!

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Dr. Glowdance's Personal Research Notes

I swear, i will see that child captured if i have to do it myself. i've already taken the liberty of preparing a special cage for him.

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The Human Species Ch.5 - Aged Master Red

Red said as he uncrossed his arms, "i am afraid i must capture you." "yeah, figured as much" lucario replied with a nod, looking the old man in the eye. "...

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The Search for Ka'Le (7/15)

"if we capture any one or all of the others they'll give up and scatter to the wind.

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Venturing: Visionary Reeds

Deeming her worthy of running and successfully escaping or captured by a mob of angry officers. i had full confidence that fate would allow her capture. unless otherwise, we might have to extend this arc.

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File #2

However there was one potential benefit, the saboteur and his ship, had been captured in the ensuing battle. "maybe so..." greyfell replied, his equine head rising from looking down at the table.

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Wiroch: The First Step

All i ask in exchange is that my family and the others you captured be allowed to live in peace among your kind." tiralin's expression didn't change. "what of the people we captured? are they prepared to work with us?

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The Meaning of Strength - Part 3

Were you able to learn anything important from that soldier we captured?" "yes, i did."

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Chapter 9: A Loss to the Shadows

As the dragon with the scar approached him menacingly, ready to pounce and capture another victim. the other dragon kept flare pinned. "that's right! now let him go! i am the one you want. come after me!"

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Reaper Pollenburn Campaign ?????

"shall we intercept the train and capture the branded?"
