Rising Anew -Chapter 12- Train & Realize Your Life

Tripoa learned to fight when papaw had taken him in before he had traveled to america and then helped set the glade in the northern canadian region.

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A Bully's Kindness - Part 2 - Jay's Confusion

"so, i see you've recovered from that bullet wound, eh," louis said in his canadian accent. wait, how could he have known about the bullet wound? i never told anybody, jay thought to himself.

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All Bucked Up (Pt. 1)

So without further delay i present you all bucked up (part 1) **all bucked up** raider walked slowly across the canadian tundra.

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The Spy That Was

_third floor_ (shadow made his way through the third floor, pulling small groups of agents into the conversation...but with no luck each were confident that the canadians were able to find sheridan...all but one of the scientists.)

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Ram Girl

Pinky asked satoshi, letting her french-canadian accent slip out. ."oh.. they're uh..um... hey mouse it's getting late! we should go..." "but it's only 2:30!" mouse whined, getting dragged out the door by satoshi.

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Alcatraz-Character Bios V2

Riley also learned to hunt with guns, a probable catalyst for her recruitment into the gra canadian branch. with much experience she was easily candidate for the gss, and joined.


The Interpol Files: A Precarious Prohibition

Also, if i somehow miss showed how irish goverment works, that is also my falut, because i tried looking it up, but i couldn't rap my head around it, so i based it after what i know about how canadian poltics works.

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The Helix Ion Part 3

Russian, american, chinese, english, canadian, vietnamese etc. they were all there. he began with butterflies only slightly outweighed by nerves.

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Stranger in the Storm

I have a very good trade route form the canadian boarder to the land of the yucatan. i do well. along the way i find plenty of people in need of help. some as small as to split some fire wood to desperately needing the medicines i trade.

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The End: Chapter 6: Fairytale

The three words that i longed to hear from her were also the three that i so desperately prayed for the courage to say, but in this perfect moment, with the moon to which we had previously howled shining down upon us, and the magic of the crisp, clear canadian

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Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.1: Don't Change in Public Places

He was french-canadian and had moved across the border to find a job. "oui! je suis désolé! j'ai eu un problème."[yes. i had a problem.] he answered as he tried to take deep breaths to calm himself and allow himself to calm down.

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But i'm mostly a canadian pointer. aniro: okay. you are known for playing all sorts of games. what kind of games are you best at? peanut: i dunno. any game, really! although i have to say my favorites are rpgs.

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