No Love For Cats And Dogs
And then the carnival rolled about, baring gifts and prizes for any and all that could get them from their little shenanigan games. it was the semi-annual carnival, so they of course, participated in it.
Lonely Oak Chapter 64
"why don't we finish up here and go to the carnival." she suggested. "maybe that'll put some fun back in the trip." "carnival?" emeral lifted a brow. "where'd you get that idea?"
Breen's First Pride
She had recently seen a video talking about the scammy routes many of the carnival games took to make it harder for people to win, so it was pixel's personal agenda to get as many prizes as she could.
"The Thin Line," Part MM
"damnedest use of the term i've ever seen, considering the carnival of what happened over the next few days.
The Pokemon Parade
"heh, yes we shall" ash said with a grin as his friend opened the door and the two headed out into the carnival.
Good Enough Chapter 16
"or we can try out some of the carnival games. they've got stuff like ring toss and stuff. and an arcade... there's one around here somewhere i think."
Just Stay Calm
The marines/strippers hang a left and head around the semicircle towards the carnival. the friends/officers and went right near the food trucks and the lost and found.
Primrose Valley: Family and Tradition
We were on a date at the carnival. some guy got drunk and spilled his drink on me. your father was furious. he was ready to beat the poor man into a pulp." deven's mom sighed wistfully as she remembered the past.
The Rising Fallen Star 8 - Kaelan
But i'll never know, and so i was forced to work at the carnival because they had no place else for me to stay.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:8
"yes ma'am, we're looking forward to the carnival." vernon said, giving the ewe a slight nudge. dawn gave a simple and shuddering nod.
Raven Wolf - Origins - Shiya - Chapter 06
He points to a building near the entrance of the carnival. "me and shiya will not be moving from our spot at the cafe right there, so if you need us that is where we will be all day."
Lonely Oak Chapter 68
Their clothes were far fancier than any other person's at the carnival, which struck ket as a little odd. they stepped into their car. ket noticed that they didn't pay anything.