Baked Dough (WIP)
A middle aged tabby cat and a teenage bat were pulling several pastries from one of the ovens, setting them aside to cool. thomas called the ladies over, a hand on conrad's shoulder as he introduced him.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #3 - Black-and-Orange Market
_"so i expect you to give him no mercy when we face off,"_ reminded the tabby cat. _"because he's getting paid a lot more to make sure we lose. and i'm pretty sure that you are quite tired of losing."_ "yeah, i am," hissed the slender feline.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #9- Hijacked Holidays
Stefan calico (tabby cat, owner/gm, hnt) almost expected as much, after reading that recap in the blog of t. matt latrans (coyote).
Trying Something New
Turning slightly he saw a short orange tabby cat, eyes wide in horror, staring at him. his first reaction was anger, but both his hands being occupied, all he could do was fume.
You Can't Hide It Forever - Part 2
Crawle - a tabby cat who was the lawyer for his mother - had left him with some magazines. even though the magazines mr. crawle gave him were his favourites, the young german shepard couldn't read them.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #18- Circles Within Circles
A lot of furs had come to stefan calico's (tabby cat, owner/gm, hnt) private birthday party. the fox was almost surprised to see jamie velasquez (seagull, g/f, ten) and aragon fisher (otter, g, ten) there. he guessed they liked a good gathering.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #15- Mayor May Knots
That is, until stefan calico (tabby cat, owner/gm, hnt) did the unthinkable. when vincent's agent had told him that the mayors wanted him back, he scoffed, claiming that it was much too late to be playing april fools jokes.
Bentley's Peace: I
The young tabby cat wriggled free. "oh bent - i thought i'd never see you again!" "bad luck, old thing!" bentley smirked. they walked on, paw in paw. his parents had disapproved, long ago, of his friendship with the farmer's daughter.
the problem with gren part3
Of course the weird thing is that his friend is named chance, and there both tabby cats but while chance is fairly yellow jake is orange, they have a very eerily resemblance of the swat kats..."
Chapter 3: Perspective
The pathmage was a tabby cat, and somewhat of a scruffy one at that. "yes, i'm ready." sakura replied, giving a thin smile. "alright, let me just gather my components and we'll be on our way, kay?" eleron shifted uneasily in his seat.
Distrust CH2: The Silver Stranger
Doi turned to see a ginger tabby cat sitting next to him, around his height. she wore a similar pair of overalls with an 'm' adorning one of her pockets, along with a pink sweater.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #17- A Lot of Forward Thinking
Though nobody dared to speak up in response to the team owner and general manager stefan calico (tabby cat, owner/gm, hnt) as he continued to address his team, this time in their physical presence and much more properly dressed in a business suit instead of