Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 5
There was a sharp bark from one of the older male dehsii that had caught site of the young man digging into those baskets.
Chapter 15: The War on Heaven
And sitting with his legs folded as he listened to the older male, ettoras knew he was very lucky to have fallen in with his company.
The Creepy Fur- 01
The older boy said. "and i am anna." the young girl said with a smile. "well, i have a few fun things for you tonight." i said, pulling some things out of my bag. a football, a baseball, a few board games, and a few more random items i thought were fun.
The Criminal Chronicles Story 1 - Shayzo Bright part 1
Shayzo however was not as weak as the older men believed, returning blow after blow, but was outnumbered and bound to lose.
Scars Ch. 10
A man stands in front of an older boy. the man grabs the boy by his shirt and punches him in the face.
Untill The End: The way it is [chapter 2]
This handsome, older male fur, had picked me up from the train, like a common fly, weaving through the air, regularly. he'd taken me into his home, and practically, drugged me, so that i could be under his control.
Tough Learning on Innocents: Part 3
The older male stroked the boy for reassurance and smiled. "good boy, oh and pet i want you to call me master or sir from now on okay?" the tiger said in calm voice. the wolf nodded and carried on looking up at the tiger.
Rawrporate Downsizing
Swallowing as the bobcat took his seat, the dinosaur fidgeted, trying his best to keep his attention on the older male.
The White Cub Part Three : Homeward bound.
He was feeling really good as he leaned agaisnt travis and felt the older males arm drape itself around his shoulders and hold him close.
Dragon Wars 1
"hello, daniel..." the older male said with his deep voice in a comforting tone. "commander..." i said with hatred.
New Addition
Arnold fearfully whined, but made no further noise as his and the older male's eyes met. "behave." peter hissed. meanwhile, joey stood not far from peter, feeling completely incapable of helping his friend. "joey, help."
Todd and Cliff
Most older men in my life are like him. they brought nothing but pain and shame to me. the sooner they stop opressing others, the better the world will be." todd sighed, reaching out and taking cliff's paw in his.