Fair Fortune
Greg sniffed, his cervine nose twitching as he took in the smell of containers he carried-- Chinese, his favorite and his roommate's too. He couldn't wait to eat and as much as he wanted to just try a taste first, he figured he should be home before he...
Powering Up
**Powering Up** _By Dragonien_ "Just... one... more... " With tremendous effort, the overloaded steel bar raised one last time accompanied by a near-feral snarl. The moment it reached its starting position once more, Yetshi let it...
Fyrebrand Cafe
**Fyrebrand Café** _by ThunderDramon_ "And why are we here again?" "Because I feel like you need some perking up." Mel grumbled as he stared his companion. The cat-dragon crossed his arms, tail swishing around in annoyance. He stared at the small...
The Allure of Getting Big [PTRN][RWD]
After a little digging following a tipoff from a source that he trusted, he discovered the site for a muscle growth supplement supposedly guaranteeing gains shortly after using it.
The Original One
**The Original One** _By Dragonien_ "Arc, hurry up with my coffee!" The barking demand came from the heavyset arcanine in one of the dozens of cubicles lining the office floor. In response to his shout, a clattering and heavy thumping...
Tale of a Grey Kobold
Tale of a Grey Kobold Deep in a dense forest, various monsters, thieves, creatures and the like skulked about constantly. Whether it was for their next meal, their next pawning or even for the sake of the hunt, places like these were generally deemed...
Making A Killing - Anthro Orca TFs
"So, how much farther out to sea are you taking us, Phil?" Peter asked, the youth's silver hair blowing about in the wind as their rental boat zipped along the water's surface, leaving foamy trails in its wake. "It feels like we've been traveling for...
Party Monster
**Party Monster** _By Dragonien_ "Boo!" The sound, followed by a pair of hands abruptly grabbing Giza's shoulders from behind caused the leopard's whole body to tense and hop forward a half step! "Don't do that, Stormy!" Giza complained,...
Macro Tyler March #8 - Kaijuification
Tyler groaned as he stumbled into the alleyway. One arm was holding his stomach from a building feeling of discomfort that was worryingly approaching pain while his other braced against the brick wall of the alley to support himself. He had broken out...
Accidentally Infinite
Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes, but is...
Night Lights of July
The evening sky began to rise rather early around this time of year in the mountainous region of Colorado. Star clusters could already be seen dancing above alongside the large looming crescent moon as the light blanketed the landscape below. Looking...
True Divinity
This is a commission for Giza White Mage Stormy belongs to her player. True Divinity, by DragonMasterX. **Prologue** Fairly recent expeditions had led to the discovery of deeply buried ruins cradled at the...